Chapter 42

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Sweetie blushed right after. Scootaloo smiled and gave her another peck on the cheek. Sweetie then tightens her hand on Scootaloo wrist. She forces her whole body to Sweetie and BOOM! Scootaloo feels the impact of Sweetie punch.

Scootaloo face met Sweetie fist first, the floor met her second.
"What the fuck man." Scootaloo said, covering her bloody nose.

Sweetie, tempted, kicked Scootaloo at the stomach.

"Only Applebloom suppose to kiss me! Why'd you do it?!"

Scootaloo held on Sweetie's belt to pull herself back to stability. Sweetie let her stand halfway, until she pushed her back to the floor.

"Explain." Sweetie said.

"Fine I'll tell you but why don't you look at your left first."

Sweetie confusion had shown. Sweetie eye met the corner of a figure. Sweat sprinkled from her forehead to neck. Her eyes popped out. Was it Applebloom?

Without hesitation, Sweetie while head turned violently the other way. Sweat, nervousness, was all gone. Instead of facing Applebloom, Sweetie faced a pinked haired girl.

"Oh thank god! Pinkie I'm gla-"

Sweetie stopped taking. Pinkie reaction to the scene was weird. She stated at Scootaloo who was on the ground the whole time. Pinkie hands were trembling and her knees were giving out.

"You h-h-hurt our baby girl."
Pinkie knees met the floor. Tears circulate all over her face. Her hands clinch her knees.

Sweetie, confused, walks up to Pinkie. She offers to help her up by putting her hand out there.

"Hey, something wrong?"

Sweetie question was, in all fact, dumb. Sweetie didn't know why Pinkie was acting so weird right now. Then memories pop out. Sweetie thought and thought on what Pinkie was really crazy about. Scootaloo got back on her feet but only by having her hand over the counter.

"Scootaloo! Get your scrawny ass-"
The memory came back. At the slumber party Pinkie mention about adopting Scootaloo later on next week. Sweetie eyes widen and she gasped. Her forgetfulness made the situation worse.


Pinkie picked her head up to face Sweetie. Sweetie smiles awkwardly where Pinkie smiles, crazy-like. Pinkie hand reaches over Sweetie waist level; Sweetie tries to back away. Pinkie grabbed her shirt and took her to the ground.

Pinkie slams Sweetie to the ground. Sweetie squirms but Pinkie kept her on a tight hold. Pinkie arms went around her waist and was kept tighten. Scootaloo laughed. She now has Sweetie in a tight spot, but she was curious about one thing. Why use the word "baby girl"? It sounded very weird to Scootaloo.

"I'm sorry if I hurt that crazy bitch. She tried to kill me, 3 times already! 3! That's some other shit." Sweetie said, under Pinkie's body.

Pinkie didn't care at all. Her fluffy pink hair was gone now. Her hair slowly became something menacing, straight.

"Why?! Why hurt my little one Sweetie. You kissed her and beat her up? Your full of shit!" Pinkie fist came spiraling in like a missile. Her fist only met the floor.

Sweetie head moved just in time. Her arm came free a few seconds later. It was still numb but she managed to get a hold of Pinkie hair and thrust her arm downward.  Pinkie let out a yelp; her face then meets the floor. 

Sweetie position her knee around Pinkie abdomen.  She thrusts her knee into her stomach and Pinkie rolls over the other side. Sweetie jumps up, surprisingly showing no sign of struggle.

"Man all these bitches crazy." Sweetie smiled at Pinkie who was groaning and Scootaloo who was still struggling standing.

Her overconfidence made everything seem normal.

"Well that's all done." Sweetie clasps her hands like she was finish doing a hard day of work. "Aight I'll see y'all late-"

Sweetie words come at a halt.  The kitchen had a second doorway, something she didn't notice before.  Sweetie saw something alright; Applebloom.

Applebloom eyes twitch as small tears begin to form.

"What did you do Sweetie?"

Sweetie runs to Applebloom, opening her arms wide for a hug.

"I'm so sorry." Sweetie said

Applebloom doesn't open her arms, instead she pushes Sweetie onto the ground.

"Fuck you Sweetie. I-I-I thought y-you were the one, I guess I was wrong." Applebloom sobs echo throughout the kitchen. She runs away from the kitchen.

"Applebloom!" Sweetie quickly stands up and chases Applebloom.

Pinkie and Scootaloo were still struggling in a way, physically, not mentally.  Smiles are wide across their faces. Pinkie legs shake a bit standing but having her arm over her abdomen made it a bit better. Scootaloo limps, she eventually lands on where Pinkie was standing.

"It worked." Pinkie said.

"Of course it did. The plan worked..."

In another story:

"Woaaaah. I didn't expect that, well the whole plan thing was introduced in another story. Lousy author, misses a week of writing and does this whole great plot twist. Maybe I should help him? Naw, he needs to learn his mistakes, or better yet learn to write." Discord said while sipping tea, sitting on a luxurious chair, by a fireplace, roasting the fuck out of me.


Love chapter. Love story. Love ponies. Bye!

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