Chapter 38

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It's 4:00 p.m. in Chapter 38 /Chapter 37 started around 10 a.m

Applejack rushes inside with a apple theme dress under her arms. Applebloom had a box of what look like makeup. Big Mac cheered them on.


"We get it Big Mac!"
Applejack kick open her room door and thew the dress across the bed. The bigger dress revealed a smaller dress underneath, close to Applebloom size..

Applebloom ran as quick as she could. She ran and ran, until...

"Hold up-oof."

Applebloom dropped the box as she fell. Applejack grunt loudly and ran to pick the box up.

"Be careful Applebloom. We need to look nice for the party tonight." Applejack said.

"Oh and your going to completely ignore your fallen sister." Applebloom said in distraught.

"Eeyup." Applejack said.

Applejack put the small box of makeup on a shelf and snatches her dress. She clutch on Applebloom dress too and throws it at her.

Applejack ran to her closet and she flickered her index finger, indicating Applebloom to come.

"Alright Jackie. Alright Big Mac, ya gotta leave. Get ready for the party too." Applebloom said.

"Eeyup." Big Mac gave Applebloom a peck on to cheek and walk out of the room.

"Alright sis, let's get to this!"

(Follow Tophat. He needs all your energy to make it to 700 followers. Also he's just funny and awesome.)

Rarity showed no sign of stress. Her feet were in the air, she was laying on her bed, and was completely covered with a diamond crested dress.

Sweetie was rocking it "emo" style. No dress at all.

"My my, you look so casual Sweetie."

"Yeah and you look like you want to attract Minecraft players." Sweetie said.

Rarity threw a small pillow at Sweetie. Sweetie snatch the pillow from the air and threw it back. Instead of hitting Rarity, the pillow hit Sunset.

"Wow. Is Sweetie a stormtropper cause her aim is way off." Sunset said.

Sunset had nothing to show off. Her red dress was basic, the earrings she wore were like small hoops, and her vans made it all casual.

Sweetie flung herself to Rarity bed. Sunset flung herself to Sweetie, making the both of them fall on top of the bed.

"Oww! Why'd you do that?" Sweetie asks.

"Maybe because a dumb girl did it first."

"Why you." Sunset said.

Sweetie's head locking Sunset was more struggling than it look. Rarity found different spots on the bed but Sunset "wrestling" found Rarity path.

"Okay what time does this party start, I want to leave already."

Sunset stood up the bed (with Sweetie holding on her) and slammed her back to the bed. Sunset jump out of bed and went to her phone.

"It's- Oh crap we gotta go!"

Sunset hand clamps Rarity's hand. Rarity winks at her.

"Don't you even think about it." Sunset said.

Sunset ran out of the room. Sweetie follows, still stumbling from the slam.
They zoom across the whole house, making it to the front door. Tea Spoon meets them at te front.

"So y'all ready for the party or for a marathon." Tea Spoon said.

"Ha ha, funny. Well we should be going then." Rarity said.

"First." Tea Spoon said.

Tea Spoon gave a three of them a hug. Every peck she gave them and very good luck was more powerful than the last.

Tea Spoon open the front door and walks out their way. Sunset and Rarity left, Sweetie stayed behind.

"Bye Tea Spoon, we'll be okay."

"You better."

Sweetie tiptoed and gave Tea Spoon a kiss on the cheek. She ran off to Sunset and Rarity.


"So Scoots, you excited bout the party?" Discord asks as he does his hair.

"I could care less about you. It's Sweetie I'm after."

"Man lighten up today. It's my birthday, we're going to get fuck up real bad tonight."

"Your the one trying to look like a rich douche. Your only throwing a party just to impress Fluttershy." Scootaloo said.

Discord comb broke it half. He clinches his fist, and throws it to the wall. Scootaloo laughs. Discord knew it was a bad idea taking her to his living room.

"Scootaloo. What are you doing to get the person you love? Nothing. This party is going to get me a lot of love tonight, especially from Fluttershy." Discord said.

"I can totally get the person I love! The only problem is that...she loves someone else." Scootaloo said.

Scootaloo throws a couch cushion to the floor and buries her head between her knees. Discord turns around, slowly. He sighs. Discord walk to Scootaloo was slow but eventually he sat down next to her. He gave her a few pats on the back.

"Don't worry Scoots, there's other people that are 10X better than Applebloom."

Discord slowly pinches the tip of Scootaloo chin. He picks her head up and kisses her on the forehead.

"I gotta love my sister. Biologically speaking." Discord said.

"Shut up. We're only cousin's Discord." Scootaloo said

Scootaloo got up and gave Discord a hug.

"Discord!!" A woman voice called Discord across the kitchen.

"Coming mom!"

Discord pushes Scootaloo away and runs off to his mom. Scootaloo shake her head.

He's one hell of a cousin. I wish he was my brother but aunt Luna can barley afford one kid. Still, the thought of having him as a brother is unimaginable.


"Alright Big Mac, we ready to go!" Applejack said

Big Mac ignited the engine, put the car on drive, and drove off. All of them were heading to Tea Spoon house first to pick up the others.

"You excited bout the party?" Applebloom asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy. Still, I'm worried."

"Worried bout what Applejack?"

"That one of us might get hurt. This is a Discord party were talking about and Discord is all types of chaos. I'm scared sometimes horrible night happen."

Applebloom loses her head to thought. Discord was crazy and chaotic, anything might happen at the party. Applebloom and Applejack went through the drive, speechless.

After 10 minutes, the car makes it to Tea Spoon house. The other three run up to the car. Applejack opens both sides of the truck.

"Hey babe." Rarity gave Applejack a kiss.

"Hey mama."
Applebloom grabs Sweetie shirt and pulls her in for a kiss.

"Well these are interesting kisses." Sunset said, eating a bag of cheerios.

I know, it took forever to make a new chapter. This chapter is filler, again. Next chapter though will have over 2000 words! A lot will happen and a lot will be learned.
Till then, bye!👌👌👌👌✌✌✋

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