Chapter 19

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"Awww. That's so us Dashie." said Pinkie, looking at Rarity hugging Applejack.

"Can't disagree with that babe." said Rainbow dash, giving Pinkie a peck on her nose.

Applejack, again red faced, glance over the couple and replies to their comment.

"Whoa there. She hugged me, remember. Also I only did one nice thing, one, and that's probably the only thing Imma do for her."

"Sureeeeee....." everyone said in unison.

"Y'all bitches, ya know that." Applejack said.

The group of friends laugh at Applejack words. At times, they were a lot like asshole's, but what are friends for. For awhile, all of them sat in one circle, talking on and on about anything interesting.

Rarity had no problem speaking with the others. She talked to them before so she knew what to ask. Applejack, surprisingly, stayed quiet during everyone conversations as well as Sunset. To break silence, Sunset went in and talked to Applejack.

"So...hey." Sunset said.

"S-sup." Applejack said.

"Your kinda shy right now, like worse than Fluttershy." Sunset said.

"Yeah I know. I guess I'm a bit embarrassed to talk." Applejack said, rubbing her own arm, like a shy schoolgirl.

"Embarrassed of what. You helped someone who yelled and insulted your sister, off course Rarity gonna hug you for that. You shouldn't be embarrassed but happy that you did something good." Sunset said.

Applejack scoofs and smiles at Sunset. Her actions were honorable, maybe noble, but just the fact that someone treated her like trash and just hugged her, now that was embarrassing to her.

"I guess it was good. I mean she got Applebloom pissed which got me a little riled up but then again, she's Rarity sister." Applejack said.

"Ha ha ha, you got that right." Sunset said.

Of course, Applejack laughed with Sunset. For awhile all everyone did was just talk. Not a single phone was taken out nor any mention of Sweetie actions. Rarity was far too busy talking to her friends to think about her sister, Applejack was also busy to think about her sister.

Everything seemed especially well paced and normal....until a knock was heard downstairs.

"That's weird. Tea Spoon said she wouldn't be back until 12." Rarity said.

"HUHHH! ITS A BURGLAR!" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Why the hell would a burglar knock then rob a place." Applejack said.

"Maybe the burglar tries to act like a nice person, goes in and talks then WHAMOO! He holds everyone hostage and demands bad pizza." Pinkie said.

"Pinkie, you gotta stop watching show related to burgers." Rainbow dash said.

"What! That burger family has great and realistic plot thank you very much." Pinkie Pie said.

Pinkie Pie idea of burglary was crazy, it could be Scootaloo and Applebloom making noise, then again they were both still upstairs visible by the hallway. So to be safe, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow dash decided to go downstairs to see who knocked.

They tip toe, barefoot, downstairs were they encounter annoying splinters.

"What the hell?! These damn stairs could get some work done." Rainbow dash said, hopping on one leg.

"Well sorry if Tea Spoon can buy proper staircases." Rarity said.

"Can't buy. Please, she got all the money in the world. I think she can afford some stairs." Applejack said.

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