Chapter 30!!

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(Love this guy👆!!! I just started listening to him and damn is Natewantstobattle is awesome. Check out his channel!)

The rain poured harder and harder each time the group walked. They resorted to running, laughing and splashing on puddles while following Pinkie.

Everyone did something with one another. Sweetiebloom ran a race, Pinkiedash covered one another, Sunset kept tripping Twilight and Starlight tapped a wand on top of Trixie. Fluttershy and Discord, nothing.  Applejack messed with Rarity the most too.

"Applejack! Stop getting me wet.", Rarity said whenever Applejack kicked water toward her.

"Scared of a little bunny and water. Rarity your a complicated one."
Applejack chased Rarity when everyone else stopped running.

"Wow and you say there's nothing between y'all.", Discord yelled.

Applejack and Rarity stuck out their tongues at Discord and Discord flicks both of them off. They kept running around like little kids, pushing each other and splashing water too.

"Alright can you please stop, we're here.", Sunset said.

Rarity and Applejack stopped running like pushing the brake on a car. They bump to each other and start laughing, which made everyone else roll their eyes. Rarity look away from Applejack and find herself staring at a gloomy looking house.

Pinkie started jumping up down which was unusual to Rarity cause the house looked anything but fun.

"Come one guys, let's go inside!", Pinkie said.

Pinkie took a hold of Rainbow dash hand and ran to the front door. Everyone else followed, except for Starlight and Trixie. Both of them headed off to a house next door.

"Where are you going?", asked Rarity.

"To our house.", Starlight said.

"Wait, both of you share a house?", Rarity asked again.

"Well of course the great Trixie owns a house! With the beautiful Starlight of course."
Trixie rested her hand under Starlight chin and pulled in for a kiss.

"Well bye now!", Starlight said, waving goodbye and walking away with Trixie.

"If ya wondering bout how they have a house, both of them are 22 years old and do a lot of shows.", Applejack said.

"Didn't you say Trixie shows were horrible?", Rarity said.

"They're not bad, but them shows sure are funny, kinda like you.", Applejack said.

"Ha ha, your just making fun of me. Keep mocking me and I might  not kiss you.", Rarity said punching Applejack arm playfully.

Applejack turned red and punched Rarity back. They push one another again and run straight to the house, where everyone else was inside in.

Rarity stood in shock when inside the home. Everything looked gloomy from top to bottom. No paintings, no decorative walls nor doors, and a T.V wasn't anywhere in sight. All there was, was pictures of Pinkie Pie and other people, probably her family.

Everyone found a spot sitting in the couch or floor. Rarity walked around whereas Applejack sat down.

"Umm Pinkie, where's the bathroom?", Rarity asked.

"Upstairs, take a left, another left, and boom, the bathroom is there.", Pinkie said.

"Thanks.", Rarity said.

"Hey you should bring Jackie with ya, she wouldn't want her girlfriend to get lost.", Discord said making kissy faces at Rarity.

"Well why don't you practice those kisses on Fluttershy then."
Rarity let out the biggest burn to Discord. Everyone laughed and yelled "aaaaaa" causing Discord to surprisingly turn red and Fluttershy to cover her face.

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