Chapter 18

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"Oh. My. Freaking gosh! You think Rarity is cute too! Plot twist!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Greatest sleepover ever!" Rainbow dash said, laughing.

Although Rainbow dash found the situation funny, the others did not. In fact, all of them seemed very shocked but no one was more shocked than Rarity.

Rarity felt flattered but at the same time....surprised. Applejack seemed like the type of people who wouldn't understand love or even tell who's cute or not.

Rarity sat there, covering her red face more and covering her ears from the whispers. Sweetie in the other hand....

"What the hell! First she wants to beat up my sister and now she thinks she's cute. That's bullcrap hypocrisy. The actual fu-" Sweetie talking stops.

She isn't interrupted but sees a surprised look on Applebloom face, with tears coming oug. Sweetie talked way too loud and everyone heard her, even Rainbow and Pinkie stopped laughing.

"BULLCRAP!REALLY?! My sister isn't a biased girl you know, she's complicated and say things without knowing. Your sister in the other hand is a total skank." Applebloom said, angrily.

Sweetie face was now filled with red, not with embarrassment, but with anger. Rarity wasn't what Applebloom said she was and Sweetie knew it.

Sweetie called her many names but basically calling her whore, without knowing Rarity history, now that's something to get pissed off of.

"Complicate! My sister is a brat and everyone knows it. She pissed the hell out of many people, including me and your sister. Applejack almost beating her up was-"

"Hold on let me- (this Applebloom)

Sweetie then approached her closer, until Applebloom bumps to the wall behind her.

"No! You shut the hell up! Applejack almost fighting her was appropriate and everyone else that tried hitting her similar reason. But no one, I mean no one calls her a whore, or a skank, or anything related to those words. Especially you! Don't you ever call her a skank or else!" Sweetie said, pointing at Applebloom.

Applebloom replied, not with words but tears. She gives Sweetie one final stare and runs out the room, with tears streaming down her face.
Applejack attempt to run after but Scootaloo held her down. Scootaloo then ran after Applebloom, pushing away Sweetie at the process.

"Well, that was interesting." Rainbow dash said.

"I'll agree with that." Applejack said, surprisingly.

Sweetie doesn't cry but put a pillow was over her face and she layed on Rarity bed.

"What the hell did I do." Sweetie said.

"You yelled at Applebloom. Everyone established that." Spike said.

Sweetie take the pillow out her face and punches Spike in the arm. Rarity then tries to make her feel better.

"It's alright Sweetie." Rarity said.

"No it's not." replied Sweetie Belle, muffled because of the pillow on her face.

"Well Sweetie, you got to understand-"

A hand touches Rarity shoulder. To her surprised, the hand belonged to Applejack. Applejack pulled Rarity away from Sweetie and sat down next to her. Applejack removes the pillow from her face and give her a concerned stare.

"Now listen Sweetie, I didn't like you yelling at my sis like that but you were just defending your sister. Applebloom can be messed up at times, especially when she's trying to defend me. What I'm saying is all you did was defend your sister against a friend. That takes a lot of guts and I respect you for that." Applejack sais.

"Really?" Sweetie said, now with her head picked up now and eyes gazing at Applejack.

"Yessire. I can try my best to calm her down and maybe you guys can make up with each other. I know I'm trying with Rarity." Applejack said.

Rarity smiles at Applejack last sentence and blushes in the process. Applejack sees this and blushes, not a lot, but just a little. Sweetie says 'Thank you' to Applejack and gives her hug.

"Imma go to my room and clear my head. Like I said, thank you for making me feel better." Sweetie said.

Applejack nods and gave the girl a hug. Sweetie opened Rarity door and walked out to her room. Pinkie exhaled loudly right after.

"OH MY GOSH! That was so intense, like the most intense moment in my life." Pinkie said.

"You've said it. Applejack hated Rarity and now she's helping he sister. How the hell does that happen?" Twilight said.

"It's not surprising at all. After all Applejack does find Rarity cute." said Sunset.

"Oh your right! Man Fluttershy is going to love to hear this. Applejack and Rarity sitting in a tree-"

Pinkie stops talking when everyone, even Rainbow dash was annoyed.
Pinkie give them a sorry smile and sits back down.

Rarity loved how Applejack made her sister feel better. For someone who didn't like her guts, she made the sister of that person feel better. Rarity stares back at Applejack not devious, nor angry or mean mean but with straight happiness.

Applejack give her the same stare and smile. 'I guess she isn't bad after all', thought Rarity.

"Aww you two are buddies now." said Rainbow dash.

Applejack get out of her trance from Rarity eyes and replies quickly to Rainbow dash comment.

"I only helped her sister and said she was cute. I mean, I find everything cute like puppies, cats, hell even the pigs at my farm. It's not unusual to-"

Applejack stops talking for the moment. She feels someone hugging her from behind her. She looks back to only see Rarity there, giving her a hug.

Applejack blushes again, now with a lot more red and a lot more reason too. Rarity hugged her out of nowhere
Rarity was surprised herself that she'd done this, but then again, she did find her cute and helpful.

Rarity releases Applejack from there hug and both eyes meet each other. Everyone else in the room give them stares, not shocked or anything, just the eyes you'd give your TV show if they make a relationship canon (you know what I'm talking about.)

"Thank you Applejack." said Rarity.

"N-n-no problem." said Applejack, nervously.

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