Chapter 6

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"Come on ya lazy bunch, wake up.", Tea Spoon said while banging a frying pan on the wall.

Rarity groans and throws herself side to side in her bed and Sweetie Belle throws a pillow at the door. Tea Spoon then hits the frying pan across their doors, making a annoying sound.

After some time hearing the frying pan, both girls finally wake up.

"Tea Spoon, what time is it?" asked Sweetie.

Rarity pulls out her phone to look over the time.

"Oh dear! It's 8 in the morning!" said Rarity.

"8 am isn't nothing, I'm just going easy on y'all city girls." Tea Spoon said.

Rarity groaned loudly and Sweetie tries to go back to bed. Tea Spoon then barge in their rooms and got a hold of the two girls.

"No no no! Laziness isn't tolerated in this household. I got some great stuff planned out today for all of us. Now go to the downstairs kitchen, I gotta surprise for you guys there."

Both of them ran quickly.  As they went down the steps, Rarity tripped.

"Dammit! Not this again." Rarity said. 

Rarity got back up and Sweetie pointed and laughed at Rarity as she was walking to the kitchen.  Rarity flicks her off without looking back.

Sweetie then looked the footsteps and carefully walked.  There was a lot of stuff still around the house after the party.  Sweetie notices a piece of wood sticking out on one of the steps.

"Huh, I guess she tripped from that,  oh well I'll just be-"

Sweetie lets out a small squeal as she fall down the steps.  Rarity looked back at the fallen Sweetie and laughed at the irony of the situation.

"Shut up! You fell first." Sweetie said. She blushed through embarrassment.

Rarity smirks at Sweetie and walks off to the kitchen. After Sweetie finished dusting herself, she hears a loud scream from the kitchen and immediately runs there.

Out of breath, she attempts to talk to Rarity.

"W-w-what happened! A rat, r-r-robber, cockroach."

"No Sweetie even worse. FARM CLOTHES!!."

Sweetie gives Rarity a very confused and annoyed stare.

"You know what, your a total bit-" Sweetie mouth is covered by Tea Spoon.

"For a 14 year old, you got one foul mouth." Tea Spoon sais.

Rarity, still frighten over the farm clothes, quickly went to the fridge and starting to drink milk .  Tea Spoon rolls her eyes. She walked up to Rarity.

"Rarity, it's just working clothes, there's no harm in them."

Still drinking the milk, Rarity slams the milk at the counter and begins to speak.

"No harm! The only time you wear those drabby clothes is when you w-w-w-work!"

"Yes Rarity, we are working today." said Tea Spoon.

Rarity almost faints after hearing those words.  Sweetie grabs Rarity just in time and the milk as well.  Sweetie pours the milk at her face and Rarity breathes rapidly after the action.

"What the hell Sweetie!"

Sweetie smiles and shrugs it off.  Tea Spoon grabs the farm clothes and goes to Rarity.

"Listen, I heard you guys never work at Canterlot, or anywhere for the matter. Y'all gonna learn work by getting you hands dirty."

Rarity almost feints again.

Tea Spoon hands Rarity her clothes
Rarity tries shooing the clothes away.  Tea Spoon grabs the milk at the counter and flicks some at Rarity face.

"Come on! That was just unnecessary Tea Spoon." Rarity said, wiping milk off her face.

"Well it's not unnecessary if it gets your attention." Tea Spoon said.

Rarity grab the farm clothes from Tea Spoon and walks out the kitchen.  Sweetie joins Rarity upstairs and both go to their rooms.

Rarity struggled putting on the overalls. She kept on falling on the bed during the process.

"Farmers don't know anything about fashion!" Rarity yelled, falling on the bed the 3rd time.

Sweetie handled putting on the clothes very well. She was just handed a crop top, some shorts, and somewhat stylish work boots.

"Crap! Why is this so freaking complicated!" Rarity sais, yelling over her room.

Sweetie smiles and rolls her eyes over Rarity situation.  Tea Spoon shakes her head over Rarity words.

After 15 minutes pass, Rarity comes out her room with rather messy hair and a wrinkly overall. Sweetie and Tea Spoon both shook their heads.

"Took you long enough." Tea Spoon said.

"Yeah, but she doesn't take that long whining." Sweetie said

Tea Spoon slaps Sweetie behind her head and Rarity flicks her off as well.

"Dang, both of you sure know how to bicker."

Tea Spoon grabs both of their hands and brought them downstairs.  Tea Spoon then pointed her finger to the back door. Both went outside.

"Wonder what farm she's going to take us." Sweetie said.

"Probably to some hellish farm, where the mud is everywhere you step and the animals constantly annoy the crap out of you." Rarity said. 

Sweetie kicks Rarity at her leg and Rarity does the same to her.  Both repeat the action

"Stop it ya cunt." Sweetie said.

"I will if you stop calling me CUNT!" Rarity said.

"I will if you can stop whining." Sweetie said.

Tea Spoon walks outside with a bunch of tools.  She holds the tools in one arm and uses the other to pull both their ears.

"Dammit you two, I can't leave you guys alone at all."

Rarity and Sweetie yell out a few ow's as Tea Spoon takes them to her truck.  Tea Spoon takes her hand away from their ears and unlocks her truck. Both girls go in the back seats and Tea Spoon put the tools at the back of her truck.

Tea Spoon goes to the front of the truck and starts the engine.

"Alright gals, lets go to work."

Rarity groans and Sweetie groans with her.

"This is gonna be a long day." Tea Spoon mumbled.

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