Chapter 10

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"Yeah Sweetie, give em' a little hay." Applebloom said as she held Sweetie hand towards the horse mouth.

Sweetie turned red when Applebloom touched her hand. Sweetie giggled a bit. Applebloom eyes meets Sweetie eyes. Giggling sparkled up Sweeties mouth.

"So Sweetie, how ya liking the farm so far?" Applebloom asked.

Sweetie Belle stops feeding the horse. She twirls her hair in a filrty type of way.

"It's fun. I don't do this stuff back home."

Applebloom smiles again and hugs Sweetie.

"Well you can do this stuff here. Just ask me of you want to do something, we can hang out anytime we-"

Applebloom is interrupted by a flicker of hay behind her head.

Applebloom squeals when see turns around to see another girl. The girl had a black leather jacket, purple hair, rainbow colored shorts, and beat up vans.

"Scootaloo! You finally came" Applebloom said, hugging the girl.

"You know Scooties always gonna be with ya."

Sweetie Belle heart dropped when she heard them. Were they going out? Sweetie Belle tried to raise her voice to ask a question but she only squeaks. Scootaloo leaves her eyes from Applebloom and look onto Sweetie Belle.

"Hey, are you Sweetie Belle?" asked Scootaloo.

"Yeah and your the famous Scootaloo Applebloom talks about."

Scootaloo let's out a small chuckle. Applebloom does the same but Sweetie stays quiet. Sweetie breaks the silence by walking to Applebloom and Scootaloo.

"Hey guys, do you want to keep feeding the horses?" Sweetie asked

"Sure, why not. Let me get more food from the shed." Applebloom said.

Applebloom runs off to the shed, leaving the other two alone.

"So Sweetie, how do you like the farm so far." Scootaloo asked. Scootaloo smiled and twirled her hair too.

"Um, it's fun so far. I feel great working and doing something other than staying home."

"Oh that's cool. It is fun working in the farm, especially with Applebloom."

"Yeah. Applebloom is really nice and seems like a good friend. Hopefully all of us will hang out a lot this summer." said Sweetie.

The conversation turned quiet and awkwardness filled the air. Scootaloo smiled but Sweetie kept on looking away.

Okay Sweetie, ask her something. Maybe I could ask about Applebloom- No! She might think I like her.

Sweetie opened her mouth to talk to Scootaloo but Scootaloo talked ahead.

"I wanted to ask, why did your sister wanted to fight with Applejack? Aside from the whole cake thing." Scootaloo asked .

"What do you mean?" Sweetie turned a bit red.

"I mean was she on her period or something."

"Ohhh. Nope, that's just her. Anything you do makes her angry." Sweetie smiled and laughed.

Scootaloo laughs too. Rarity reaction to Applejack mishap was really funny and a bit crazy. Applejack was buff and knew how to fight. To Scootaloo, Rarity was the bravest human being ever.

"I bet your life is filled with drama." Scootaloo said.

Drama, yeah more like love drama.

Applebloom comes out the shed with a bunch if hay in her arms. Scootaloo helps her out and Sweetie stands there. Applebloom rip off a few pieces of hay and hands it out to Sweetie.

"Now remember what I taught you. Go ahead and feed the horses." Applebloom said.

Sweetie nods and walk up to one of the horses. Her hand shakes and pieces of hay fall off. She barely managed to feed the animals.

"Good job!" Applebloom said hugging Sweetie.

Scootaloo gives Sweetie a smirk and Sweetie looks away for a moment.

"Well someone seems excited. A little too excited." Scootaloo said.

Applebloom picks her head up to see Sweetie red face. She smiles more and give Sweetie another kiss on the cheek.

"Oh hush now Scootaloo. She's probably happy that someone showing her a good time." Applebloom said.

"You don't show me a good time anymore. What happened with that?" Scootaloo said.

"I would but your not a newcomer are you? Besides, isn't talking to you everyday enough." Applebloom said.

"Nope. I would like a skateboard and a kiss on the cheek everytime I see you and maybe I'll consider that a good time." said Scootaloo.

Applebloom throws a bit of hay at Scootaloo and both girls laugh.
Sweetie tried to laugh but it's too weak to notice.

They did seem like the perfect friends to Sweetie but to Sweetie, Applebloom was going to be hers.

10 minutes go by feeding the horses. Scootaloo often messed around with Applebloom for the duration and Sweetie kept feeding the horses.

A loud voice is heard not too far.

"Heya Scootie." Pinkie said, waving at the girls.

All of them stop on what they were doing and look at Pinkie. Rainbow dash waved and Rarity flickered her fingers to the girls.

"So I can see you guys are having fun while having work to do. Awesome!" said Rainbow dash.

Scootaloo shook her head and laughed. Applebloom kissed her on her cheek. Sweetie however, forced a smile and tried not to scream at Scootaloo.

Why do I get jealous so easily!

"Hurry up and finish though. It's 11 am and I plan on eating some delicious cake from Sugarcube corner." Rainbow dash said.

"So no more work today?" Rarity asked.

"Nope. Today everyone had simple chores. It's in 3 weeks were the chores will get more rigorous. That's when the festival comes along." said Pinkie Pie.

"What festival?" asked Rarity.

"The Apple Hearts festival. It's a festival my family host every 3 years. Many of our neighbors help around here as much as they can to get Sweet Apples acres fresh and tidy." said Applebloom.

Rarity was quite relived to hear this. She now knew that more people was working around the farm and that made it way easier to her.

Sweetie was happier in the inside because that meant she could help Applebloom during that time getting the festival ready.

"Alright. Let me text Tea Soon then." said Rarity.

Rarity pulls out her phone and texts Tea Spoon. Rarity them smiles at the reply.

"Alright, me and Sweetie are good to go.",said Rarity.

Rainbow nods and replies with, "It's going to be a lot of work, but it'll be worth it when we try that apple cider." said Rainbow dash.

"Oh hush now Rainbow dash. You know I'm the only cider you need." said Pinkie pie before giving Rainbow a kiss.

Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie let out a loud 'aww!' to the couple. Rarity does the same.

"Okay guys, let's go." said Pinkie

The 6 of them huddle up in a group and head up to a pathway leading the way out of Sweet Apple acres. Rainbow dash stays behind the group for a little bit to talk to Scootaloo.

"Sorry if I'm not much help right now. Got kinda distracted but I will help you at the bakery." said Rainbow dash.

"No problem. Regardless of your help or not, Applebloom will be mine." said a determined Scootaloo.

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