
1.9K 29 6

Also I want to give credit to artists of the pictures I use. You guys rock!!!( I got the art at Deviantart.)

Hope you guys like my stories so far. 51 views!!! It's a small number but it means a lot to me so far, thanks for reading my stories and liking them too.  Also my schedule is to write Monday, Tuesday, Wesnday, Thursday.
Friday and some Thursday's I'm not going to write. Saturday and Sunday's are a guaranteed writing days.

Also please comment or vote as well to show the appreciation of the fanfic. Thanks fellow Bronies and Pegasisters, we rock!!!👌🔥🔥

Also thanks to the people who followed me:

(P.S, RainbowPinkamena, followed me!!!!!!!!😂😂 her rarijack story inspired me in to write a fanfic in the first place. And creepypie Pinkiedash story is super great, please hurry with the new chapter creepypie, I love the story 👌😂😂😂😂)

Also chapter 5 is going to be publish later on today or early on Wednesday.

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