Team Dynamic

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Lord Hokage kept a stern look on his face

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Lord Hokage kept a stern look on his face. "Keiko, Team 7 includes Naruto and Sasuke. Both of them are extremely impressionable and need strict guidance. I also know that you and Sasuke haven't been able to be there for each other after you joined the Anbu." I tensed up a little, not only have we not bonded, but Sasuke has been resentful towards me for not being there when the Uchiha needed me the most. With a small bow, I then agreed to become Team 7's second instructor.

I followed the silver haired ninja out of Lord Hokage's office and walked towards the rooftop. A gentle cool breeze rustled my long black hair. Once we got to the rooftop he stopped and leaned against the railing crossing his arms across his chest. I stood in front of him, noticing he was quite a bit taller than me. It was definitely weird to be out of my anbu clothes, so I had put on my tan cape with high collar and Uchiha crest on the back along with my fishnet tank top and long gloves that came up past my anbu tattoo and only showed my thumb and pointer and middle fingers. I played with my necklace with the yang symbol hanging off of it, it was the necklace Itachi had given me before he knocked me out that night. The silence between us was strangely comfortable even though I had never really formally met the infamous Kakashi Hatake.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to introduce myself he spoke up, "I am Kakashi Hatake, since we will be working closely together I guess I can tell you a little bit about me

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Just as I was about to open my mouth to introduce myself he spoke up, "I am Kakashi Hatake, since we will be working closely together I guess I can tell you a little bit about me." His black orb softly looked down at me. He's really relaxed compared to all the rumors I had heard about him. "I have been an anbu member for a while until a few years ago I have been assigned to help guide a team. Of course I haven't passed anyone yet because of the lack of teamwork in each team." I raised an eyebrow but I knew what he was alluding to. Just being in the anbu will teach how important teamwork is.

"I understand that. I am Keiko Uchiha." His eye was studying me up and down, I'm sure it is weird to be teamed up with an Uchiha again since Itachi was on his team. "I happened to return to the village the night Itachi..." My voice trailed off and a flash of my bloodied parents popped in my head. Shaking my head I continued, "Anyways, since then I have been a part of the anbu. No doubt to be under close supervision. One other thing though." His eyebrow raised slightly when I suddenly frowned. "Sasuke and I are not close in the slightest. I'm assuming since I wasn't there when he was growing up and then not being able to do anything about the massacre," I paused and started playing with my necklace again, "there has been some resentment from him." Kakashi held his chin in thought then gave a slightly creepy smile.

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