The Summit (Long Chapter)

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After quickly running through the land of iron Akamaru and Kiba led the team towards Kakashi's group.  Keiko kept quiet earning worried looks from the chunin that agreed to take down Sasuke.  They really couldn't tell how she really felt.  As they slowed down since they were going through town, Keiko halted the group earning a confused look from Sakura.

"I'm going to summon Onikisu to go ahead and search for Sasuke.  If she finds him then we can just go straight to him with a plan instead of blindly looking for him."  She explained calmly while the rest of the team nodded their heads in agreement.  The older kunoichi bit her thumb just hard enough to draw blood in order to summon her dragon.  In a small poof, Onikisu appeared with a tiny roar.   The sleek black dragon appeared much smaller than the last time she was summoned by Keiko.  She was just the size of a hawk and easily rested on Keiko's shoulder.  Her telepathy would really come in handy as well so she wouldn't have to fly all the way back to Keiko to give a message.

Please search for any sign of Sasuke and when you find him let me know where.  If it's a bad situation come to me and fly me to him.

As you wish Keiko-chan.  I'll be quick.

With that the dreary sky soon swallowed up the figure of Onikisu as the team continued on their way through the snow covered town.  The frosty breeze burned their cheeks leaving a pink hue.  Soon Akamaru gave a small huff making the team leader notice the three figures up ahead.  She called out to them,

"Kakashi!"  Her soft voice brought a look of confusion and surprise on the three shinobi's faces.  Soon both groups were standing in front of each other.  Kakashi pulled Keiko into a tight embrace.  His left hand gently stroking her long soft hair as his right held her waist close to him.

"What're you guys doing here?"  He asked the rest of the group while still holding his wife close to him.

"Sakura needed to speak with Naruto, but we didn't want her to go alone."  Keiko gave Kakashi a tired look but he could instantly tell that wasn't their true goal.  He kept quiet and nodded.

"Go ahead Sakura."  With that she took a deep breath and walked up to Naruto.

"What's wrong Sakura-chan?"  The still bandaged blonde frowned a little, obviously sensing the tense air.

"Naruto, I wanted to tell you..."  She bashfully averted his gaze with a small blush on her cheeks.  "I love you Naruto."

Everyone's face dropped in shock.  She definitely didn't run her plan by the rest of the team.  Keiko's eyes widened for a moment in shock but she knew Sakura was trying to ease Naruto's burden from Sasuke.  Her features softened into a sad look.  Kiba and Yamato's jaws remained dropped as Naruto stood frozen.

As the awkward exchange continued Keiko received a message from Onikisu:  Keiko, bad news.  I just saw Sasuke and a team running towards the location of the Kage summit.  You probably shouldn't bring the rest of your team because of the summit, but if Sasuke has any chance of living you should go stop him.

Keiko's face visibly fell making Kakashi give her a worried look.  He could already tell what was going on with Sakura but Keiko's attitude changed so suddenly.  She lightly squeezed Kakashi's hand.  "Keep an eye on them.  Don't follow me and don't let anyone else follow me."  She spoke with complete seriousness and too quiet for anyone else to hear.  "I will let you know what's going on later."  She quickly turned on her heel and the wind flapped her black cloak with the Uchiha crest behind her exposing her outfit which contained her jonin vest and black ninja pants.

The eldest Uchiha sibling sped through the village and soon saw the location of the summit come into view.  She felt her heart racing in anticipation and quickly ran through the doors with Onikisu on her shoulder.  Surely Sasuke was already there.  She just hoped to get to him before the Kage did.  She sped down the corridors, it was quiet.  Almost eerie.  Onikisu took off ahead of Keiko in search of the young Uchiha.  Keiko gently pushed open a large door and her eyes widened at the sight.

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