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The sun was setting over the horizon, Kakashi watched over Sakura and Keiko in deep thought.  They both looked completely pushed beyond their limits.  He brushed a stray black hair out of Keiko's face, her lips were chapped and her body was littered in cuts and a decent bruise here and there.  He sighed and looked over himself and realized he didn't look much better, his torn vest was being used as a cushion for Sakura since she had lost her vest in Kaguya's dimension.  He ran a hand through his silver locks, he officially no longer has the sharingan and it was like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.  In his deep thinking he saw Sakura starting to stir, then her bright emerald eyes snapped open.  She immediately shot up and looked around frantically.

"They went to the Valley of the End."  Kakashi spoke up, earning her interest.

"I'm going-" She started to get up when Kakashi gave her a stern look and grabbed her arm.

"Let them fight it out Sakura.  If they don't do it now, they'll do it later.  By the way they talked, they had discussed this beforehand."  He sighed and looked down at his wife.  She would've thrown a fit if she knew what was going on.

"I can't let them kill each other Kakashi-sensei."  Was all the pinkette said before racing off.

Kakashi closed his eyes in worry for his students.  Surely they wouldn't really try to kill each other right?  He sighed deeply but glanced down at his beautiful wife who was sleeping soundly.  She then started to squirm a little and her face scrunched up a little, he pulled out his water, already knowing she would open her eyes groggily.

"Kakashi?"  She asked sleepily, feeling her body aching all over.  Her dutiful husband brought the water to her lips, allowing her to cool her dry throat.

"I'm here.  Sasuke and Naruto...  I think they're fighting.  Something about how the world should run and Sasuke put Sakura in a genjutsu."  He helped Keiko sit up who internally rolled her eyes and vowed to beat the hell out of the both of them.

"We better go break them up then."  She grumbled as the ground suddenly started to shake.  Kakashi felt his heart drop and scooped Keiko into his arms and dashed towards the Valley of the End.


"You said you wouldn't use Sharingan Sasuke!  It's not fair!"  Naruto growled angrily with a pout apparent on his lips.

"I also said rasengan isn't a valid choice but who still tried to use it?"  Sasuke tsked.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"  Sakura yelled as she jumped over to her teammates, landing a solid punch to both of their faces making them both glare at each other but slightly pout at the painful punch.

"Why'd ya do that Sakura-chan?"  Naruto whined.

"Rock. Paper. SCISSORS?! THat's your big fight?!"  She seethed, mainly in an overwhelming feeling of relief of the two of them bickering over such a trivial concept.  "You put me in a genjutsu for that?!"  She felt tears roll down her cheeks from worry.

"Sakura-"  Sasuke started, knowing that he put her in a genjutsu so she could actually rest instead of instantly going to work like she normally did.

"I thought you two were actually going to kill each other."  She sobbed, making both boys look down in shame.  "I'm going to kick your asses."  She suddenly stopped crying and in a split second, the earth crumbled beneath Sasuke and Naruto.


Kakashi sped through the woods and skidded to a halt at the valley, he noticed the statues of Madara and Hashirama were crumbled and a satisfied looking Sakura walking towards him.

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