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3rd Person POV

It was about 2 hours before sunrise when Sasuke glanced down from his perch in the tree at Keiko who was relaxed in Kakashi's arms. The two jonin were leaning against the base of a tree, she was just stirring from sleeping completely soundly through the night and Kakashi was still sleeping with his head nestled in her long black hair.

"Kakashi." Keiko whispered and lightly stroked the back of his hand.

"Hn. No. Five more minutes." He grumped in her ear.

"Hm, we're at war honey. We don't have five minutes to spare." She smiled and kissed his cheek while standing and stretching. Kakashi groaned with a small kink in his neck from sleeping in an awkward position. He quickly stood up and sighed.

"I'm serious though Keiko, if anything happens I want to be the first person to know." He pulled her into his arms tightly and kissed her lightly on her forehead. He whispered against her skin, "I wish I could really kiss you." His deep voice made her shiver a little.

"Me too. I promise I will contact you as quickly as possible. I love you." She gave him a bittersweet smile before biting her thumb hard enough to draw some blood and summoned her onyx colored dragon.

The large winged reptile growled a little at the strong smell of blood. In a way though, the dragon had a regal way about her, her deep ruby red eyes glowed brighter than the moon above them. The surrounding shinobi were all asleep except for Sasuke and Guy's teams. They were going to wake up the next round of shinobi for the watch shift so they could get some rest. Keiko climbed onto the large dragon and it wasn't long after they took off for them to be completely out of sight.

Kakashi sighed deeply but turned his focus on his large division of shinobi. It was only a matter of time before real shit went down.

Keiko took a deep breath of the crisp early morning air

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Keiko took a deep breath of the crisp early morning air. The wind had a cold bite to it, but she didn't mind. Onikisu emitted heat from her black shiny scales which warmed her legs through her fairly thin shinobi pants. "It's fair enough to figure out that the caster of the reanimation jutsu is in a well secluded area, so they can control that many reanimated without being interrupted." Keiko relaxed a little on Onikisu's back and watched over the trees beneath them.

"I've noticed a strange chakra, one that is similar to us dragons." Onikisu growled in the direction of this strange individual.

"There's more of you? Are there any other summons? Maybe the caster is connected to one of you." Keiko bit her lip in thought.

"No. It was rare just for you to summon me. Even with your family ties to the dragon summons. I would know who it was if it was a summons, whoever it is they aren't a dragon, but they aren't human either." The queen of dragons let out a quiet hiss. This being was an insult to her species.

"Who was the last Uchiha to summon you Onikisu?" Keiko leaned back on the armored scales of Onikisu and watched the sun start to come over the horizon.

"Madara Uchiha. He actually summoned my husband Saphirus. You do remember, unlike the toads or any other summons for that matter, you get one dragon as your summons for life." Onikisu kept her glowing red eyes keen over the oddly silent area.

"Hn. I remember. What does Saphirus think of you being summoned?" She chuckled to herself at the thought of Onikisu being a dutiful wife cooking for the king of dragons. Do dragons cook? Probably not. Maybe.

"You do remember I can read your thoughts brat. And I am a great cook thank you very much." Onikisu tsked at her longtime human friend. "As for Saphirus, he's been sleeping for the past 20 years. He'll wake soon. After your summoner passes, you go into a deep sleep for 25 years and end the contract." The duo neared the chakra that Onikisu noticed and Keiko felt a foreboding feeling about the whole situation.

"I'll call for you if I need you to bring Sasuke here. Thank you Onikisu." Keiko slid off the large dragon and walked towards the cave with her sharingan activated. It was warm inside the cave, the moldy smell was quite overpowering, making her scrunch her nose. She knew that the caster must know that she was there. If they were truly part dragon, they can sense things from miles away.

  If they were truly part dragon, they can sense things from miles away

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Keiko's POV

I looked around the dark cave with my sharingan glowing, it was eerily quiet making my grab a kunai and tightly hold it. As I walked deeper in the cave I felt the ground shake as a coffin emerged and the door slammed onto the rock ground, making dust fly everywhere and had me shield my eyes.

As the dust finally settled I noticed a fairly tall man with piercing eyes glaring down at me. I couldn't help but gasp lightly at him.


Hey guys! Who do you think this mystery man is? (; I will be trying to post again sometime this week. I am so sorry for the lack of content recently and the fact this chapter was so short, Midterms and college is hard haha. Leave a vote or a comment! Thank you all for your reads and support! <3

  Leave a vote or a comment!  Thank you all for your reads and support! <3

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