Too Late

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Keiko coughed as she struggled to arise from the bed of rock, bleeding from small cuts and scrapes that littered her body. Sasuke's eyes narrowed at Madara's smirking form that loomed over his beloved sister.

"Not another step." Sasuke growled at his now resurrected grandfather that still had yet to regain his eyes.  The naive teen smirked at the disadvantage that Madara had against him. Realization hit Keiko and the pinned down Hashirama when they saw Madara's smirk fade into a thin line. His chakra amount was enormous and had years of bloodied battles and could easily overcome the younger Uchiha.

"Sasuke no!" Keiko yelled in panic as she fought her way to her feet even with the stabbing pain in her ribs. Before any Uchiha could move, a flash of grey and blue clashed with Madara that only those with the sharingan or extremely well trained eye could fully follow what was happening.  The second Hokage growled in full distaste for his opponent and leapt away from a powerful blow of more black rods and stood protectively in front of Keiko.

"You're hurt. Don't get in our way. Your brother and I will handle him."  His gruff voice came off as condescending but deep down he had a small soft spot for the grandchildren of Madara. Even though he had a full hatred for the man himself.  Why? Well that's another story.

Keiko frowned at the second Hokage.  Was he just being prideful? Surely he knew that his elder brother and her had more experience combined than him and Sasuke.  Why did he think he could take care of him?  "Shit!" The Tobirama yelled in anger, snapping her out of her small trance.  She then noticed the black rod embedded into his leg, unable to pull it out.  I knew it. She cracked her knuckles and sped towards her brother, who had successfully stabbed Madara in the arm, to assist when she was suddenly kicked straight back into the jagged rocks, one fully ripping her side and left a large gash with blood starting to pour out of her wound quickly.

"Madara..." she gasped as she saw Sasuke suspended in mid-air. "Please...." her voice got weaker and the feeling of helplessness hit her as the glint of Sasuke's katana hit her tired eyes as she activated her mangekyou.  "Don't..." A tear slid down her cheek as she coughed up blood as blood pooled under her from her shoulder that was only slightly cut. Her back facing her brother who's face contorted into pain and knew his end was near. His heart was still fully pierced, but also happy she was too late.  He fell into her arms as she looked at him in horror. Her mouth opened to scream but nothing came out; her heart was torn into two. Another of her family about to die, right in her arms, because she was too late.

 Another of her family about to die, right in her arms, because she was too late

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"It won't be long before you die of blood loss.  What a shame, I had hope that my bloodline would've been better.  You have sons though no?" Her tears stopped immediately as she gripped Sasuke's lifeless body in her arms and sent him the deadliest glare she could muster, "I will kill you Madara."  A throaty chuckle escape his lips, he couldn't see her but he knew that she was in no form to fight, he could smell her blood before she even tried to stop him.

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