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"Y-you..."  I stuttered at the man before me.  His long black hair greatly resembled mine as well as his glowing red eyes.  "Madara Uchiha."  I quickly grabbed the hilt of my katana, fully activating my sharingan in the process, and glared at the reanimated Madara.  That means the masked man is another Uchiha, but not Madara.

"Hn."  He stood proudly in his red armor with a smirk.  "It seems plans changed."

Onikisu's POV

I rested outside the cave awaiting Lady Keiko's signal.  It was about 8 in the morning for the human world so the sun was shining brightly.  Then a rumbling sound came from the cave, gaining my attention when I heard Keiko's voice, "Onikisu, the real Madara was just reanimated, I'm going to lead him out of this cave, but Sasuke will have to take care of the caster.  After throwing Madara into the mix, I doubt he will be able to distract anyone that comes to stop him anymore."

I growled at the thought of her fighting Madara alone, but it would do no help if the reanimated can't be stopped.  I let out a hiss and took off into the sky at lightning speed.  I knew the exact path from before, so I could reach Sasuke quickly and be back in time to provide some backup.

Keiko's POV

My breath hitched when I saw that vicious smirk.  "Uchiha with mangekyou, are you here to stop me?"  His voice was taunting, but it wasn't gruff like I imagined.  It was smooth and if I weren't in a deadly situation, I'd dare say that his voice was comforting.

"The dead should stay dead Madara."  I twirled my katana confidently and transported behind him and quickly swung at him which to no surprise he dodged and sent a counter kick behind him.  I backflipped and continued to run towards the exit of the cave to avoid a collapse.  His speed rivaled with Guy's which was a surprise.  I had to quickly remove the weights around my ankles to keep up.  I thankfully landed a decent kick that created some distance between us.

"You have matured eyes, that's a unique ability you have there too.  Why don't you join me?  Don't you want to create a world of peace?  An ideal world?"  He grinned at me, obviously not winded at all.

"That's just living a lie, not true peace.  I will not let you kill my precious student to achieve a lie."  I spat while throwing an explosive kunai at him.

"Pity."  He snipped and continued exchanging blows with me.  We were going faster than anyone else I had fought, even sparring with Guy was slightly slower.  Each punch perfectly blocked and each counter expertly timed just to be blocked again.  I was about to land a kick to his side when I saw his smirk and just the last second saw his kunai speeding towards my face when a shield of red separated us.  I spun my head in surprise to see a red Susanoo protecting me.

"Itachi?!  How?"  I froze in shock at the sight of my brother.

"I'm reanimated."  He simply put, not taking his eyes off Madara whose grin grew even more.  "I was going to put an end to the caster when I came across your fight."  He further explained.  I felt my heart twinge at the sight of him, a small tear slipped down my cheek.

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