Blades (long chapter)

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Keiko's POV

Unsheathing my katana, I sped off with my sharingan activated and the rest of team 13 behind me.  I could hear panicked shouting and a loud explosion rang through the forest.  To say I was surprised from what I saw in the clearing was an understatement.

  To say I was surprised from what I saw in the clearing was an understatement

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There stood the late 7 swordsmen of the Mist.  I could see Kimi and Kyo stiffen at the sight of them.  I noticed Haku the boy that traveled with Zabuza was there as well.  How were they there though?  All of these  ninjas had died.  My sharingan noticed nothing  different from them, their chakra was normal and their personalities matched.  It couldn't have been a transformation jutsu.  The swords they were wielding...they handled them with so much skill that no ordinary ninja could just pick one of those up and fight correctly.  I noticed Sai was fighting alongside the rest of the infiltration team.

"It's the reanimation jutsu!"  I heard the puppet user from the Sand yell.  I felt my blood turn ice cold.  We're in deep trouble.

"Where is the caster?"  I mumbled under my breath.  No time to waste though.  "Petra, I want you to stick next to Yori and Kimi and Kyo stay together.  Shin, keep up with me.  We're going to fight Kushimaru.  The guy with the needle blade, do not get caught."  I ordered sternly.  In the corner of my eye I could see Sasuke's mangekyou was activated as he spoke to his team flickered his eyes towards the shorter red head, with the lightning blades.  I sped towards the lanky blonde with my sharingan peeled for the sharp wire attached to the needle.  Shin slammed the hilt of his spear on the ground, making the blade of it shoot up and catch 5 deadly wires from my path.  I grinned at the opportunity and slashed my katana at the shaggy blonde's midsection.

A soft hiss escaped his lips as he met my katana with the needle blade.   Cursing to myself I took the risk and dropped my katana, making him loose his balance and used both hands to grab ahold of the blade.  Using his grip on the needle as leverage, I kicked both of my legs up and over him.  That's when Petra and Yori took the chance to slash at him again, anything to slow him down.  As soon as I landed he ducked and with more strength than I thought, had me flying through the air since my hands were still holding the blade.  In order to avoid getting cut in half, I had to let go mid-air and land a few feet away.  I then sped towards him again, ducking under Yori's large blade's swing and grabbed my katana.  Kushimaru jumped into the air and sent his needle at a blinding speed towards Petra who was behind me.

I swung my katana at an awkward angle to direct the blade into a tree,  then Kyo channeled his chakra into his Warhammer and swung it onto the ground making it basically crumble beneath him and gave us an out from being so close to Kushimaru.  During that time Kimi had grabbed hold of the needle blade, but before I could warn her all we could hear was a low chuckle and then blood sprayed against the trunk of the tree.  The metallic smell wafted in the air, my heart almost stopped as I looked at the sickening sight.

"Shin get Kyo. Yori get Petra.  Now."  I growled and sped towards Kimi's corpse.  Kyo was already running towards her blindly, not seeing the other hidden wire that would cut him in half as well.  "Kyo stop!"  I yelled.  "Damn it."  I growled and quickly used my mangekyou and activated my Susanoo and wrapped its hand around Kyo just in time.  The wire tightly wound around the dark grey skeletal hand and snapped.

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