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3rd Person POV

Number 1

"Onee-chan!" Itachi's cheery voice made Keiko smile brightly at him as she returned home from the academy and lightly poked his head.

"Can we go out and train? Pweeeaseee?" He drug out the please so long while batting his cute big doe eyes with a bright, hopeful smile. Keiko smirked while pretended to think slowly with her right hand lightly cupping her chin and her eyes closed.

"Hmm I don't know... Have you done your chores?" She chastised and peeked one eye open at her adorable little brother. Mikoto watched from the kitchen with a sweet smile at her lovely children. Her heart filled with love.

"Yes! I pwomise!" Itachi excitedly jumped up and hastily pulled on his sandals.

"Good! Let's go!" The young kunoichi turned on her heels and marched out of the house with Itachi trailing behind her, carefully matching every movement she made.

"Good!  Let's go!"  The young kunoichi turned on her heels and marched out of the house with Itachi trailing behind her, carefully matching every movement she made

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Number 2

Sasuke was riding on his beloved older brother's back. Only four years old and still a few years away from the massacre and only a month before his fifth birthday! He was excitedly talking about his day while Itachi that was usually fairly quiet, but oddly didn't seem to be listening all that well. His usual soft smile was missing with a distracted look in his eyes.

"Onii-san! Are you listening to me?!" Sasuke sent a powerfully cute pout to his elder brother.

"Hm? Aa, sorry Sasuke. I'm a little distracted today." He spoke with a sad look reflecting in his eyes. Why? Today was the day that his beloved elder sister had left on her so-called mission the elders called it. His father was tight lipped about it though so he was never able to receive information about it. Its been 5 long years. Mother had cried so much since she left but no one talked about her in front of Sasuke. It infuriated Itachi. Keiko is more that just a soldier for the clan. She's a sister, a daughter, she taught him so many things when they were younger.

"You're doing it again." Sasuke deadpanned as he stood in front of his brother that didn't notice him crawl off his back and point a stubby finger up at him with another dangerously kawaii pout at Itachi.

"Hn." Itachi kneeled down and lightly poked Sasuke's head. "There's someone I want to tell you about Sasuke. Do you want to hear a story?" He asked with a genuine smile on his lips.

"Yes! I love your stories 'tachi!" Sasuke jumped into Itachi's arms with a giggle. The two siblings then made their way towards a room that Sasuke didn't even know was a part of their house.

"Do you know who's room this is Sasuke?" Itachi asked softly.

"Nope!" Sasuke deadpanned making Itachi sweatdrop with a small laugh.

"I know Mother and Father won't speak of it, but you should know." Itachi set down Sasuke onto the surprisingly clean floor. Not a speck of dust was found in this room.

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