The Raikage

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It took a total of two hours before I heard Kakashi outside of the house arguing with the anbu member.

"I haven't been given the order to let anyone in." I heard the guard more clearly as I walked towards the door.

"Kakashi?" I called out.

"Keiko? Are you okay?" I heard the strain in his voice.

"I'm fine." I replied calmly.

"Danzo insists on keeping you here. At least until after the five Kage summit."

"A summit? What about?" I crossed my arms accross my chest.

"The Raikage called the meeting about the Akatsuki kidnapping the jinchuriki. I'm assuming Danzo is going to ask the Kage on what to do with you since Sasuke's recent blunder." He answered. I'm surprised that the guard is allowing us to talk about Danzo this much. It's not like we were plotting though.

"I understand. I was already under his suspicion when I appeared from out of nowhere. Now this..." My voice trailed off as my thoughts took over.

"I'm gonna go for now. I'll come back sometime soon. I'm sorry." He sounded defeated but I'm sure that didn't stop him from shooting a glare at the anbu guard.

3rd person POV

Kakashi left the secluded house after definitely shooting a glare at the stoic root anbu guard. He had already left the children with Shikaku and his wife and hurried to the tent that Naruto and Yamato were waiting. Naruto insisted on speaking with the Raikage about Sasuke. Danzo taking Sasuke's sister into prison without warrant and without a full reason could be a point that Kakashi could bring up to the Raikage as well. Then they were off to the Land of Iron in hopes of catching up to the Raikage before the summit started.

The cold air whipped around the trio as the snow stung their cheeks. After finally arriving at the Land of Iron they began to keep an eye out for the Raikage. It wasn't like they could miss him. The large muscular Kage was still walking around with his chest exposed to the snow. Kakashi noticed the Raikage with his two bodyguards and nodded at Naruto.

"Lord Raikage!" The silver haired jonin called out. The three hidden cloud ninja turned to the hidden leaf. The two bodyguards stood defensively in front of the Raikage.

"Stand down." The Raikage's booming voice echoed through the frosty air. His eyes shifted between the three hidden leaf shinobi. "Why are you here?" He directed the question to Kakashi.

"Lord Raikage, my name is Kakashi Hatake and my student Naruto was wanting to speak with you." He spoke very formally trying not to offend the very large man, knowing that they really shouldn't have left the leaf village.

"The jinchuriki? Very well. Out with it boy." The Raikage shifted his hard gaze to the blonde.

Kakashi watched his student plead for the Raikage's mercy on his friend Sasuke with a sad eye. He knew of the Raikage and his temperament and no one was going to change his mind. Naruto even resorted to getting on his knees and bowing.

"Lord Raikage." Kakashi spoke up with his gaze still on Naruto.

"Hm?" His tone was sharp.

"Naruto feels so strongly about this he is on his hands and knees. He knows that if we keep going down the path of revenge that only more death will ensue. Because of this already..." His voice trailed off a little as he looked up at the grey sky. "Because of the issue of Sasuke my wife has been arrested by Danzo. There was no warrant, no reason." He met the strong gaze of the Raikage with his own. "I only ask that you at least think about it."

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