Seeing him again

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A few weeks had passed from the funeral.  Everyone seemed to have finally started to relax as the village started to look better day after day.  I had just finished training with Sasuke for a little while on his sharingan.  That's when I felt his chakra.  I never thought I would be able to see him again but ask to why he was even in the village astonished me.  I could feel my heart beating faster and I quickly scanned Sasuke's face to see if he could feel it too, as far as I could tell he was still oblivious to the whole situation.

"Sasuke keep practicing, in time you will become faster and your power will grow quickly.  First master the chidori with it, then you will be able to grow at a faster rate.  It's all about patience and persistence.  There's no easy way around becoming powerful."  I tousled his hair much to his protest.  I grinned and gave him a thumbs up.  "They would be proud of you Sasuke."  He couldn't help but smirk at that comment and started working on the chidori again.  I gave a small wave to let him know I was going to leave.  Almost instantly I flashed over to where I felt his chakra.  Why show up now of all times?  I frowned as I ran into a building and upon reaching the second floor I could see Naruto standing in a fighting stance.

"Naruto get behind me."  I barked as I ran as fast as I could in front of him just in time to block an incoming kunai.  I immediately activated my sharingan and glared directly into my little brother's sharingan.  He seemed to be accompanied with a huge blue man with shark-like qualities.  I could feel Naruto quiver a little behind me.

"Sharingan?  Is this your sister Itachi?"  The blue man loudly laughed with a sadistic grin making me grit my teeth, trying to think of a way to lead them away from the village.

"Naruto get out of here now.  Alert the jonin that the Akatsuki are here."  I looked over my shoulder at the small boy who frowned,

"I'm not leaving you alone!"  He protested.

"Now Naruto!"  I barked at him drawing out a kunai in each hand.  To which he nodded and started running.

"We won't let him get away.  We're here for the nine tails jinchuriki."  The blue man pulled off his large sword.  Then his name clicked in my head - Kisame from the Hidden Mist - I smirked at his remark.

"You'll have to get through me first."  I flashed them a sadistic smile.  The next moment Kisame dropped to his knees clutching his eyes and screaming in pain.  Tsukuyomi complete.  Using my right eye's ability, Koutsuu, I transported right behind Itachi landing a swift kick on his back.  He rolled forward and pulled out a kunai as well.  Taking advantage of the situation I grabbed the nape of Kisame's neck and started dragging him behind me as I made my way out of the village trying to gain as much distance as possible.  Kunai flying every which direction and I finally reached the border of the leaf village at the lake.  Dropping Kisame I instantly started weaving signs which was matched by Itachi and we yelled in unison,

"Fire Style: Fire ball jutsu!"  Where huge flames flew from our mouths incinerating a huge circle in the ground.

"You shouldn't have come Itachi."  I growled as my heart sank and broke looking into his cold eyes.  His expression didn't change but I immediately grabbed my necklace that he left in my hand the night he killed our clan.  "I still have the necklace you gave me that night Itachi."  I could feel myself getting choked up.  I miss him and I wish he would just come home.  "I have so much to tell you."  I mumbled.  He looked down and pulled out the other half of the necklace that was around his neck.

"It truly is a pity things turned out like this."  A small frown formed upon his lips, "I would've loved to speak with you one last time."  I started walking towards him slowly.

"Why did you do it?"  My eyes were stinging as tears threatened to form.

"I can't tell you."  His voice was low as I stopped right in front of him.

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