Getting Close

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It took a couple weeks for me to finally be released from the hospital

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It took a couple weeks for me to finally be released from the hospital.  Thankfully Kakashi was there almost every day to keep me company.  The full team visited at times as well.  I decided to wear my normal Uchiha cloak and fishnet shirt today.  I was still bandaged up around my arms but that was just covered by my long fingerless gloves, I took a deep breath of fresh air and a faint smile on my lips grew when I saw a particular silver haired jonin waiting for me outside. I took his arm as he grinned under his mask.

We walked through town and stopped at a few shops and having a really good time with each other.  "Kakashi what is it about the kids entering the chunin exams about?"  I raised an eyebrow as he awkwardly laughed.

"Heh well I think we can both agree they have all improved immensely.  Plus they have been training even harder ever since you have been in the hospital."  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kept walking.  I gave him a small smile and nodded.

"I've heard that the test starts tomorrow.  Are they all working together better?"  I stopped and looked up at him.

"Maybe we should go watch them train then."  He nodded to his left.  I just then noticed we were at the usual training grounds.  I could see the pink, blonde, and raven haired genin practicing formations.  They were super focused for once and I could tell they had been working really hard.  I gave Kakashi's hand a light squeeze and smiled.

"They sure have grown."  I grinned as we just sat where we were just to watch the group practice and not interrupt their focus.  Of course that didn't last too long, Sasuke noticed us almost instantly and pointed in our direction.  All of a sudden the three of them started running towards us.  Naruto yelling about a bunch of things which really just sounded like gibberish he was talking so fast.  Earning a swift bonk on the head from Sakura.

"S-sakura-chan why'd you do that?"  He rubbed the back of his head.

"Baka slow down.  Kakashi sensei and Keiko sensei can't understand you like that."  The pinket rolled her eyes.

"Hn."  Sasuke glared at the blonde but had a small smirk on his lips.

"I heard you three were entering the chunin exams.  Are you all ready?"  I crossed my arms and let a soft smile play on my lips.

"There's one formation we need to go over more because someone keeps forgetting it."  Sakura looked pointedly at Naruto who just sheepishly grinned and put his hands behind his head.

"I just need to go over it one more time Sakura-chan!"

"Tch.  You've been saying that for the past hour."  Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"You'll have to go over it until everyone has it down.  It'll do no good to not be prepared for every possible outcome."  I frowned and crossed my arms.  "Do not take this test lightly.  There have been genin die from the chunin exams before.  It must be taken very seriously."  I saw Kakashi nod in agreement.

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