The Most Painful Loss (edit 4/15/19)

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The days passed turning into weeks and those weeks turned into months

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The days passed turning into weeks and those weeks turned into months.  Konan would bring me food and Itachi would come visit once in a blue moon.  There were no loopholes.  I searched every nook and cranny of that cell.  Plus Madara kept everything tight locked with security and there was a plant man keeping guard almost 100% of the time.  Thankfully Konan would speak to me every once and a while and would check on how the baby was doing.  Granted there wasn't a hospital anywhere near so it wasn't very extensive but considering the situation I was in, I was grateful to get anything.  Since I was roughly four months along I was just wearing an oversized t shirt that went passed my knees and kept my hair in a braid. 

Something that annoyed me was I didn't get to see the rest of the Akatsuki very much.  I had only seen Kisame when he came to get Itachi and he would send me a dirty glare every time because of our last encounter at the leaf.  As the days went on I felt more restless and my anxiety grew.  I wanted to be home.  I don't know if my motherly instincts were kicking in, but I wanted nothing more but to get out of there.  About once a week I was allowed to walk around the hideout but only with Konan right at my side and with the chakra draining chains on.

Then one morning I started to have some serious cramps.  I whimpered in pain as I clenched my jaw and hugged my growing stomach.  The plant man stayed put with his back to me until I felt nausea wash over me making me throw up.  Coughing and panting I shivered and pulled my blanket around me tightly.  The man turned around and the white half of him spoke up and started talking to his other half which was black.

"Maybe we should get leader.  If she's sick we don't want it spreading."  His other half just gave a small grunt in response and he sank into the floor to get their leader.  Honestly I was too out of it to pay too much attention to him.  As time went on my pain got worse and I could feel blood flow into my underwear. Something is terribly wrong.  I felt a tear slip down my cheek.  A minute had passed and I could hear footsteps coming down the hallway and I could hear both Konan and Itachi speaking to each other.  Konan unlocked the cell and felt my forehead.

"She has a fever and has obviously gotten sick."  She looked over into the bucket that I threw up in, "are you in any pain?"  Itachi wiped some hair out of my paled face.  I could only nod and pant as I shivered and clutched my abdomen.

"I-i'm bleeding."  I whimpered looking up at Konan and seeing her expression grow more serious and Itachi looking concerned made my anxiety grow.

"We need to get her to a hospital."  Itachi urged Konan.

"You know we can't take her out of the hideout."  Konan sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Then look away for a moment while I go.  I'll deal with the repercussions later."  I felt more blood roll down my leg and I felt my body involuntarily shake.

"Fine.  Hurry."  Konan sighed and quickly got up.  "You'll have only a few minutes to get out."

With that Itachi scooped me up in his arms and dashed out of the cell.  I gripped his cloak as tears streamed down my face.  I was terrified.  Is my baby okay?  "Itachi make sure my baby is okay."  I whispered as I faded out of consciousness.

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