A Friendly Ass Kicking

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Keiko put her hair in a loose braid and smirked at her younger brother who just wore a cold expression.  She was definitely surprised with him going straight to ANBU after the war, but she couldn't complain since she did pretty much the same thing when she returned to the village.

"Ready?"  She asked while gripping the hilt of her katana.  Thankfully she wore some black spandex shorts with fishnet tights under them and a form fitting black long sleeved shirt so she could move easily.

  Thankfully she wore some black spandex shorts with fishnet tights under them and a form fitting black long sleeved shirt so she could move easily

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"Hn."  Sasuke gave a slight nod.  Both siblings had their sharingan glowing, Sasuke though had the advantage of being able to use his mangekyou whenever due to having already transplanted Itachi's eyes into his own to have the eternal mangekyou sharingan.

With blinding speed, both katanas clashed.  Sparks flew as the two metals collided and with the menacing glow of red slightly glinting off each sword, it was a sight to behold.  Keiko knew better than to try to trap him into a genjutsu.  She didn't need to though.  She has had years of experience under her belt and knew Sasuke's fighting style like the back of her hand.  She knew that he favored his left side.

After swinging his katana, he would always throw a right hook.  She couldn't help but smirk as she easily dodged the swing as her prediction was correct.  As they went on, Sasuke started to notice her confidence growing in the fight.  Her moves glided smooth and elegantly.  Almost as if she was dancing.  There was no hesitation or doubt.  He couldn't help but smirk back.  Finally.  Someone who was a true shinobi in his eyes.

Not even a second after that thought, Keiko quickly launched herself in the air.  Kicking her leg out, making Sasuke dodge, she did a back flip to create some distance between the two while weaving hand signs in the backflip so Sasuke couldn't read all of them.

"Kaze Kuiki!"  (A dangerous wind surrounds that user in a sphere that is 5 meters in length and 3 meters in width as it protects them from any attack.)  She continued to get back a much as possible due to the massive size of the jutsu and didn't want to have it anywhere near her sons or Sakura and Kakashi that were watching.

Sasuke cursed under his breath as wind rapidly spun around his sister at a dangerous pace.  He had to get in the vortex before it became almost impenetrable by the sheer force of the dangerously sharp wind and flying debris.  Keiko readied herself with her katana.  With that jutsu, it was her ultimate defense besides the Susanoo but it used a lot of her chakra.  Sasuke sped towards the quick forming vortex and barely pushed through the wind, only with the help of his susanoo.  Still, his clothes were badly torn and he had a lot of little cuts on his hands and one on his cheek.

With another loud clang, the sibling's katanas collided again.  Keiko tsked but continued with the fast paced taijutsu.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow at the spar.  He noticed how focused both sibling was on the fight and was impressed on how well Sasuke was doing against Keiko.  She definitely improved on her taijutsu with Guy while they were gone.  He admired his wife's strength and grinned under his mask.  He loved how confident she was in a fight, it usually was what helped her win in the first place.  When she used her vortex jutsu, he was thoroughly impressed that Sasuke actually got through it though.  He must've known to jump in as quickly as possible.

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