Oh Boy

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"Four months?!"  I exclaimed as the doctor gave me a smile.  I looked over at Kakashi who seemed to be just as equally shocked.

"Well you are already showing just a little, most people do mistake that for gaining weight.  Everything seems fine and healthy though.  Come by and see me if your morning sickness gets worse.  You're okay to train but nothing to excessive and definitely no training once you hit 7 months.  It would also be best if you didn't go on any missions from now on."  She closed up her briefcase and gave Kakashi and I a brief handshake before taking her leave.  With the sound of the door closing Kakashi walked into our room with a bright smile on his face.

"You're so beautiful."  He kept his eyes locked with mine making me blush a little.

"I'm about to blow up like a balloon.  Enjoy how I look while you can."  I joked.  He slowly made his way towards the bed and pulled me into his arms.

  He slowly made his way towards the bed and pulled me into his arms

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"I didn't marry you for how you look.  Now you're carrying our child and that makes you even more beautiful than before.  I love you."  He nuzzled his face against my neck.

"I love you too Kakashi."  I smiled to myself.  My heart beat quickly as I rested my hands over my stomach that showed a little bump.  Will I be a good mom?  

"Want to take a walk?"  He mumbled against my skin.

"Hm.  Sure."  I smiled and stood up to start getting dressed.  He just laid there on the bed watching me.  I could feel another blush creep onto my cheeks.  Even though this is our third year of being married, I would still get giddy around him.

After I pulled on my Uchiha cape, Kakashi took my hand and led me outside.  We walked down the sidewalk with him cracking small jokes making me laugh.  I spotted a familiar trio just up ahead.

Naruto was talking excitedly to Sasuke who had an amused look on his face and Sakura just rubbed her temple in an annoyed manner.

"They grew up so fast."  I gave Kakashi's hand a squeeze.

"Their personalities haven't changed much though."  He gave a small laugh as Sakura boinked Naruto on the head and started scolding him.  As we neared the group we were greeted with a big bright smile from Naruto.  He seemed to have a new refreshed look on life ever since Sasuke returned to the village.

"Are you three all behaving?"  I nudged Sasuke a little with my elbow since I wasn't able to tousle his hair anymore without having to stretch to reach the top of his head. 

"Barely."  Sakura gave Naruto a slight glare.

"When can we all go on a mission together Keiko-sensei?"  Naruto whined.

"Well about that..."  I gave an awkward laugh with a small blush on my cheeks.  "It seems I won't be able to go on any missions for a while."  Kakashi wrapped an arm around my shoulders with a big grin on his face.  Sakura looked me up and down and then it clicked.  She gave a delighted squeal as Naruto gave us a dumbfounded look.

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