Mission of the Sand pt 1

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After being briefed by Lady Tsunade, it seems that the Hidden Sand had come across some information about the Akatsuki. We set out that evening with Team Guy. The bushy browed duo had not become any less enthusiastic, if anything they were more obnoxious. After walking the whole day we decided to set up camp and Kakashi and I volunteered for the first shift.

"Wait, are you two married now?" Sakura gawked at my ring as I helped her set up camp.

"Oh yeah. We got married a couple years ago." I laughed as her mouth dropped.

"Why didn't we know?" She whined with a small pout.

"We kept it small, just a small handful of friends." I smiled and tousled her hair. "I can't believe you guys have grown so much. You're both taller than me now." I looked over at Kakashi and Naruto who were just watching Guy and Lee compete with each other with a look of confusion. I felt warmth spread across my chest and a small smile played across my lips.

"How'd you know Kakashi-sensei was the one?" Sakura spoke softly with a sorrow in her eyes. I could tell she was thinking of Sasuke. I took her hand softly,

"Come walk with me Sakura." She obliged and followed me. Once we got away from the campsite and out of earshot I sat down and pat the spot next to me for her.

"The day that I knew that I wanted to be with Kakashi for the rest of my life was probably one of the roughest days of my life." I started off and took a small breath, "The night that I had disappeared was the night I found out I was pregnant. There was a masked man from the Akatsuki that taken me to their hideout.

"Wait, I thought it was Itachi who took you." Sakura frowned.

"It seems that was what everyone thought. Either way that masked man is dangerous and if you see him you immediately run for help." I warned her. I didn't want to admit that he had been claiming to be Madara since I didn't have proof except that he had sharingan. "Anyways, after being there for about 4 months, I seemed to have some complications with my pregnancy. Bleeding, fever, vomiting, the whole nine yards." I paused compose myself. "Itachi actually carried me to the hospital. When I woke up though, I had found out that my baby had died and I had a miscarriage." I could feel the sadness still grip my heart making my lip quiver a little. I could see a small tear slip from Sakura's eyes.

"I carried him all the way home that day. I remember that it was raining. When I got to the village, and as soon as I saw Kakashi, he immediately took me in his arms and held me. We both cried and mourned for the loss of our child. That was the moment I knew I couldn't imagine my life without him. He is my better half and the reason why I was able to mend and move on." I smiled and wiped her tear off her cheek. "Life is always changing Sakura, your heart knows what it wants. I know that you still care about Sasuke. I love him too. You deserve the best though, you're a bright and strong kunoichi. I knew that Kakashi was the one from an experience of me possibly losing him. You'll know when the time comes." I gave her a small side hug and she gave me a big smile.

"Thank you Keiko-sensei. You're the best." As she finished her sentence Naruto jumped in out of nowhere.

"Why are you guys hiding? You can't leave Kakashi-sensei and I with Guy and Lee alone. They'll drive us nuts." He pouted with a tired look in his eye making Sakura and I giggle.

"What happened to Neji and Ten Ten?" I raised an eyebrow.

"They know how to ignore them and just went to the other side of the camp and are already asleep." He whined.

"Alright fine. We'll come back." I pushed myself up and followed the tall blonde back into camp. I was greeted with a small kiss on the cheek from the silver haired jounin as he snaked an arm around my waist.

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