True Feelings

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About two months had passed since the team left in search of Akatsuki members, namely Itachi.  Kurenai was more than willing to help since she found out that she was also pregnant!  Asuma also left on a mission to find Akatsuki members with Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji recently.  Izuna and Obito seemed to be growing so quickly, they could already start grabbing their toys and are becoming much more vocal.  However, the biggest success is that they are sleeping more which means more sleep for me.  Occasionally I would receive a letter from Kakashi from Pakkun but I haven't heard anything from him in the past couple weeks.

The sun shone brightly through the twin's window as I packed a diaper bag for the two boys.  I've been taking them out in the stroller lately to enjoy the fresh air.  After thoroughly making sure I had enough diapers (you would not believe how many diapers these two go through in a day) I held each boy in each arm and set them in their shared stroller.  I smiled at the two of them cooing and giggling as they played with the bright blue blankets that I wrapped around them since it was a little windy today.  As I walked through the village I was greeted by a frazzled Shizune.

"Keiko! We just got word that Kakashi and his team should be arriving any minute."  She breathed with a large stack of papers making me give her a pity smile.

"Thank you Shizune.  You handling everything okay?"  I withheld a giggle.  I could hear Obito clap his hands excitedly at Tonton, Shizune's pig.

"Everything is great!  Catch you later!"  Shizune then ran off towards the Hokage's office.  I smiled to myself as excitement grew in my chest as I made my way towards the entrance of the village.  I only wore a lightweight black strapless dress that came down to my knees with a light pink sweater cardigan.  After getting to the entrance of the village I could see a familiar group walking into the village.

"Kakashi?"  I frowned at everyone's glum looks.  My husband instantly looked my direction and quickly ran up to me and kissed each of our boys on the forehead.

"Keiko I-"

"Where's Sasuke?"  I felt my heart drop in my stomach like a rock.  I scanned the group of young shinobi and the looks on Sakura and Naruto's faces said it all.

"He got taken away."  Kakashi sighed.  I could hear the tension in his voice.  As he laid his warm hand over mine.

"Taken away?  What about Itachi?  I know you encountered Deidara and killed him."  I gripped the stroller tighter.

"Itachi is dead."  My blood ran cold.  My little brother that I watched grow up.  Even though he tried to seem like a villain, I knew he was always watching Sasuke and I.  "However, while Itachi and Sasuke were battling there was the masked man.  He and Kisame were not letting any of us through.  After word of Itachi's death the masked man disappeared and by the time we got to the site both Itachi and Sasuke were gone."  Kakashi calmly explained.  I took a deep breath and looked up at Kakashi with cold eyes.

"I trusted my brother to you.  Who knows what that man could be doing to him right now.  If 8 of you couldn't get past him then how do we even have hope for Sasuke?"  I knew my words were like daggers to the group but I didn't care.  "We just got him back."  I felt my voice crack as I whispered that last sentence. Not only did I lose Itachi but Sasuke was gone too.  My little brothers.  I was supposed to protect them and be there for them.  I failed in every aspect of it.

"Keiko I'm sorry."  I could hear the hurt in Kakashi's voice but I couldn't look him in the eye.  It was too painful.  I trusted my brother's life with him and I know that he is so intelligent.  How could he not at least keep Sasuke safe?

"Well.  What's done is done."  I steeled myself and ignored my heart breaking.  "If the Akatsuki have this strong of members maybe it's best that we keep training and be as prepared as possible.  Especially you Naruto."  I looked over at the blonde who's eyes were red and puffy.  "You are their target.  You are my student and we all care about you deeply.  I expect you to work as hard as you can on your new jutsu."  I saw determination light up in his eyes.  "You all should go get some rest.  I'm glad you're all safe and unharmed."  I tried to paint the best smile on my face possible.  I could feel Kakashi's eyes on me.  I briefly looked up at him and I couldn't hide my emotions from my eyes.  Every second that passed was another piece breaking in my heart.

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