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It was the next day and we had finished up our small mission and were doing some training

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It was the next day and we had finished up our small mission and were doing some training. While I was teaching Sakura how to use her chakra control with weapons, Kakashi was having Naruto and Sasuke spar. They had been training for a good while at this point and Kakashi nodded towards me for us to have them stop. My heart started to beat faster as my excitement started to kick in for Kakashi and I's fight. I signaled for Sakura to stop and follow me. We met up with Kakashi and the boys and Kakashi had them all stand in a line.

"Now, you all have learned quite a bit today from practice. Keiko and I have decided to spar for the three of you. Keep a close eye on how each of us moves. Now we're going to limit the spar to just genjutsu and taijutsu so that we don't completely destroy the area." Kakashi smiled a bit and keep eye contact with me the whole time. We move to the middle of the clearing and got in our stances. I had decided to wear my jonin vest today with some shorts on to make my movements a little easier.

"I hope you're ready Hatake." I smirked and adjusted my gloves pulling out a kunai. I won't activate my sharingan yet to test how strong he is. Kakashi also pulled out a kunai and got into his position. In an instant we both clashed our kunai together. I swung my left leg up towards his face, which he caught with his right hand making me kick my right leg up to jump back. We continued to clash and block quite a few times. Not able to land a blow even at going at our fast pace. Kakashi must've decided to up the ante and lifted up his leaf headband revealing his sharingan, prompting me to activate mine. Our speed got even faster until I decided to try a genjutsu on him.

Kakashi's POV

I decided to show my sharingan to make things a little more interesting. I saw Keiko's eyes change into bright red as well. Our movements got even faster blocking each other's attacks until I had finally landed a kick to her side then I noticed that she started to get slower. Is she getting tired? No. She was an anbu. I doubt that. Something is off. Just then I felt a swift kick to my back barreling me forward hitting a tree. Genjutsu! She's better than Itachi... I quickly turned my body to block another kick. I saw a slight look of sadness on her face but was instantly replaced with a smirk.

Keiko's POV

I was actually enjoying sparring with Kakashi. He kept up really well even after briefly falling for my genjutsu. It reminded me of when Tenzo and I sparred making me a little sad but when he blocked my kick so swiftly I couldn't help but smirk at how quick he was. Then it was back to clashing and using our taijutsu. I could hear Naruto cheering each time we would clash. Just then when he blocked another one of my punches I kicked around and so I was sitting on his shoulders, I then swung backwards trying to get him to lose his balance. All of a sudden I felt him grab my legs and unwound them however I had managed to get him to lose his balance and turned quickly and pinned him on the ground. I was sitting on his hips and we were still exchanging punches and blocks. He then just grabbed both of my hands and held them from moving. "Tch. I let you win." he grumbled making me roll my eyes but I couldn't help but smirk.

"If you say so Hatake." He stood up and extended his hand out which I took and then with a smile on my face and pulled him down. "umph." He grunted and obviously wasn't expecting me to pull him on his ass. I smirked and dusted myself off. The three kids ran up to us. Naruto was pretty much jumping up and down yelling about how cool it was and how he's going to be that strong one day. That's when Sakura hit him on the head.

"Too loud baka." She grumbled. Sasuke did a half smirk.

"Well." Kakashi cleared his throat. "Hopefully you all had been watching. Being able to see your opponent's attack and to counterattack instantly. Now that was just genjutsu and taijutsu. Trying to add ninjutsu adds another layer of being able to plan a counterattack instantly AND correctly." He put his hand on his hip and smiled making eye contact with me. I felt my heart skip a beat and I quickly averted my gaze to Sasuke and I tousled his hair making him grunt and shoot me a glare.

"That's right. You're free to go for today. You can train or just relax. We have a full day tomorrow." I crossed my arms and leaned on my left leg. Naruto jumped up and down demanding that we all go get ramen with Sakura pretty much dangling on Sasuke's arm. Kakashi walked over to me and stood in front of me and leaned his head closer to my face and whispered in a deep low voice,

"Meet me here tonight at 8." What? I just nodded and did a quick turn away. I then decided to just go home for a bit. Flashing home I sat in my bed and sighed. Taking my hair down and plopped backwards. I wonder how Tenzo is doing. Then my thoughts started to swirl. Wondering how things could have been different. I'm missing Itachi. I'm missing Tenzo. Now I'm feeling completely lost as to how I'm feeling about Kakashi. Sure he is amazingly strong and intelligent and his mask makes him all the more intriguing. But what really draws me in is his voice. It's deep and laid back, and it draws me in without me even noticing. I scrunched my eyebrows together and frowned.

7:45 PM~

After being lost in thought for a while I glanced at my clock and decided it was time to meet Kakashi. Not entirely sure why he wanted to meet with me but I decided to just go along with it. I got to the training grounds early so I just sat down in the clearing messing with some of the grass. There was a cool breeze, gently moving my hair out of my eyes and rustling the trees. Then I saw Kakashi's figure walking towards me his hands in his pockets and he was slightly slouched. I stood up and dusted myself off. Just then there was a decent gust of wind making my hair fly backwards.

Kakashi's POV

I saw Keiko get up and look at me. Her long raven black hair was flowing behind her making my heart beat a little faster. I stood up in front of her and looked into her big dark eyes. "So why did you ask me to come here?" Her voice was soft and I had noticed that she looked kind of tired and drained.

"I did say I wanted to get to know you better didn't I?" I raised an eyebrow as she rolled her eyes.

"Kakashi," my heart skipped a beat, "I told you that you don't need to know about that." She sighed and ran her fingers in her hair.

"Keiko, Tenzo talked to me before he left on his mission." She froze and almost instantly her body language screamed closed off and annoyed. "He asked me to make sure that you were okay. So, how about you let me," I took a step closer to her. She looked down and sighed.

"I like ramen. It's my favorite food." She shuffled her feet. I laughed and scratched the back of my head.

"Well that's a start. My favorite food is Miso soup." She smiled and shook her head.

"You're a strange one. Did you really have to meet me at night to talk about our favorite foods?" She started walking towards town with me walking next to her.

"I was actually hoping on learning more about you than that favorite food." I noticed her watching a family all smiling and laughing.

"You might be able to get to know me better if we go get some ramen." She gave me a cute grin making me smile and motioned her to lead the way. Her eyes lit up and started marching towards the shop. She's definitely one of a kind. That's when I heard an all too familiar voice echo through the street.


Author's Note: So I tried to do a few different types of writing. Not too sure if I am a big fan of writing fight scenes but I tried to do something that involved more of physical movement. I do think I could've been a little more descriptive. But let me know what you guys think! I would really appreciate it!


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