Exam Part 2

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There will be sexual content in this chapter just to warn you!

After the teams had finally assembled at the tower, Kakashi and I eagerly awaited them and I could quickly notice that something was off between the three kids. I made eye contact with Kakashi and worry was also written across his face. I could feel myself get antsy and time went by so slow as they continued with the exam trying to slim down the size of the group. As soon as Sasuke's fight ended I could see him gripping his shoulder making me flash down towards him and pulling him into a different room with Kakashi right behind me.

"Sasuke what happened?" I crossed my arms and stared intensely at him. He scowled and glared at the ground. Without a word he moved his shirt so that his shoulder was in view. That's when the dark markings of a curse mark surrounded by the skin being reddened from irritation of the mark. I whipped around and looked up at Kakashi. He sighed and gently patted my shoulder.

"Sasuke this is going to hurt a decent amount. I hope you're ready." Kakashi kept his voice low and pulled his glove tightly. "Also before we start, it would be in your best interest to not to speak about this to anyone until we know exactly what it is and what it does." Sasuke gave a small nod still gripping his shoulder.

Later that evening I just finished helping Sasuke into bed. He was roughed up a lot more than he let on. I couldn't help be extremely proud of him for powering through and the three of them working really well together. I went outside and saw Kakashi waiting for me nearby. A cold breeze rustled the trees and bushes. I couldn't help but shiver as I walked towards the tall jonin.

"He was out pretty quickly. The lot of them were exhausted." I gave a worried sigh. He pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me with his cheek gently resting on the top of my head.

"It'll all work out. We have a month to train them and get Naruto and Sasuke ready for the finals." He spoke softly as he gently rubbed my back in our embrace.

"I hope we didn't make a mistake putting them in the exam." I sighed letting go of his waist and started rubbing my temples. He gently started rubbing my back, I could tell that he felt tense as well. Taking a deep breath and putting a fake smile on my face, "It'll be fine though. We're here to support them."

"Of course we are. I have my chidori jutsu for Sasuke to learn and I also know that Jiraiya-sensei will be training Naruto. So they're both in great hands." He rubbed my shoulders and smiled under his mask. I could feel my tension fade away as a real smile formed on my lips. Taking his right hand and wrapped it around my shoulders, I started walking down the sidewalk and slid my left arm around his waist. "What are you doing?" He laughed.

"I thought we could go on a walk. I felt like I have been a little stressed over the kids lately. Maybe it's a little unfair of me to worry so much, I should have more faith in them." I looked up at Kakashi, his silver locks gently swayed in the wind.

"To be fair they are a reckless bunch." He chuckled and tightened his grip around my shoulders.

Stopping at the end of the street, Kakashi suddenly picked me up bridal style and twirled around making me giggle a little.

"Why don't we go to your place?" I winked and traced his collarbone with my fingertip. In response he immediately flashed into his house and shoved me against the wall making me gasp. Taking advantage of the moment he slipped his tongue into my mouth making me moan quietly. Kissing him back passionately I tangled my hands into his hair untying his hidden leaf band letting it drop on the ground with a thud. He then grabbed each of my legs so that I was straddling him as his hips grinded against mine keeping me pinned on the wall. Tightening my legs around his waist I slid my jonin vest off.

Sliding my right hand around the back of his neck my left hand gripped his shirt tightly as we made out, I could feel his member get hard as our hips grinded on each other. Each of us moaning quietly and slowly taking each other's tops off. At this point we were both topless as he moved from kissing my mouth and neck to gently licking and sucking on my nipple making me moan even louder and more frequent.

"K-kaka-" I was cut of by his lips slamming into mine again making me feel a little wet between my thighs. Almost as if he knew he moved me to his bed with his leg in between my thighs and left hand holding himself up, his right hand slid down my pants and into my underwear and started gently massaging my now soaked womanhood. I could barely hold in my moans any more. My back arched and a loud moan escaped my lips as he kept massaging me and leaving hickeys all over my collarbone and breasts. That's when I decided to give back a little and started stroking his member over his pants honestly taken aback a little due to his size. Then he started to moan against my skin as I slid my hand under his pants and started stroking his member a little faster making him moan louder.

We were both sweating and panting as the foreplay progressed and we were eventually completely naked. My hair was sprawled out everywhere sticking to my body's sweat. Kakashi placed both hands on either side of my head and rested his throbbing member on my wet entrance. "You're so beautiful." He whispered seductively in my ear giving me chills.

"Kakashi I want you." I breathed with no doubt in my mind. I know there is nothing this man will hide from me and I know that I love him. Sure I haven't said it yet, but I konw that the time will come. I'm ready for his intimacy, I want to be closer to him.

"Okay." He kissed me sweetly as he pushed himself inside of me. Instantly he moaned against my lips. He slowly pushed himself completely inside of me earning a deep moan from me. This encouraged him to go faster causing me to moan even louder which made him go even faster and harder; he was kissing me passionately while doing so, our tongues danced as our moans echoed throughout his room. "Keiko I'm going to cum." He panted into my ear and with a few more pumps he pulled out and came all over my torso.

He stood up and kissed my forehead softly. Then he scooped me up in his arms and headed towards the shower. I smiled to myself and leaned my head on his shoulder giving a small kiss on his cheek. "I love you Kakashi." I whispered. He then stopped and looked down at me with a smile,

"I love you too Keiko."

After the exam~

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After the exam~

During the last part of the exam the hidden sand attacked with their jinchuriki and Orochimaru took advantage of the situation trying to destroy the hidden leaf but the third Hokage stopped him at the cost of his life. We all had just gotten to the training grounds for a meeting after the funeral. The three genin looked up sorrowfully at us.

"I know you three are grieving right now. The third hokage was an amazing shinobi willing to sacrifice himself for his village. However it is also our duty as shinobi to continue to protect the village." I gave a soft smile to the three of them. "Now the three of you get home and rest up. We will be helping rebuild the village tomorrow." I motioned for them to get going which the three of them slowly walk together. Chatting amongst themselves. Their bond growing stronger together.

~Hi guys. So i've never written a lemon before and I hope you guys enjoyed it! Any comments on what you think are welcome! If you are enjoying the story so far give it a vote or a comment! :)

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