Love after War

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Keiko busily ran through the apartment with Izuna strapped to her back and Obito in her right arm. Her long black hair was tied to the side in a braid so it didn't hit her raven haired son in the face as she frantically cleaned the house. She still had to get fully ready as well.  Kakashi wasn't able to come help since he was already meeting with Tsunade.

She let out an exasperated groan as she finally finished vacuuming and dusting when she was already exhausted but it was only 9 am. Obito giggled as he chewed on her loose shirt, covering it in drool. She shot a playful glare at the younger twin, "that's gross." She groaned again when all he did was give her a loud giggle but with his chubby little cheeks she couldn't help but smile and give him a big smooch on the forehead, earning an even louder giggle.  She glanced back at Izuna and saw that somehow through all the noise, he was dead asleep. She chuckled to herself and made her way to her and Kakashi's room and began to get dressed.  She gently laid her boys on her now clean bed and got their diapers changed.

Then she pulled on a slim sleeveless black qipao with the Hatake clan symbol in white on the back, a deep slit went up both her legs and she brushed out her hair into a sleeked back high ponytail.  She grinned down at her little boys dressed in little simple grey traditional kimonos and strapped them into a stroller since it would be a long day.  She hummed quietly as she walked down the street and smiled at the villagers that waved. Soon she reached the Hokage tower that was drawing a crowd.

A familiar trio walked up to her and guided her through the crowd and into the tower. Sakura couldn't help but ogle at the twins with heart eyes. "Aren't you just handsome little men?" She asked in a little baby voice.  Naruto gave her a questioning look making her scowl at him playfully.

"Hinata likes babies too by the way." The pinkette smirked at the blonde's reddened face.

"Alright you guys. We don't wanna be late. Let's go." Keiko shook her head and laughed as Sasuke just rolled his eyes at the two.  It didn't take long before everyone had made it to the roof of the Hokage tower. Kakashi was already up there along with Shikamaru and Tsunade who was dressed in the Hokage robes.

"Did you have much trouble?" The silver haired man gave his wife a quick peck on the cheek.

"No not at all. I told you I can handle it." She smiled up at him.  Then Tsunade raised her hand whilst facing the crowd, a hush fell over the village.

"Today is a special day for the Leaf Village!  I will be retiring as your 5th Hokage and will be appointing the 6th Hokage!  Kakashi Hatake," she paused and motioned for him to stand next to her, "as you remember he was a captain for the recent war and has many great diplomatic ties already with the other great nations! I trust that he will be a fair Hokage and starting now, he will lead the Leaf Village with wisdom and the Will of Fire!"  Her voice echoed through the village as applause and cheer erupted through the crowd. Kakashi, who was already wearing his Hokage robes, was then given the Hokage hat that Tsunade wore and waved to the people below.

Keiko clapped with her students on either side of her with a soft smile, she knew Kakashi never really wanted to be Hokage, but it would be the easiest transition and Naruto was still no where ready to be Hokage yet

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Keiko clapped with her students on either side of her with a soft smile, she knew Kakashi never really wanted to be Hokage, but it would be the easiest transition and Naruto was still no where ready to be Hokage yet. She had full faith that he will be able to do his job amazingly.

Later that evening at the Hatake household, Keiko served a feast for team 7, including Sai and Yamato.  Kakashi strapped the boys in their high chairs as they squirmed and angrily mumbled incoherent words.

"They're going to have a colorful vocabulary." Keiko sweat dropped as Obito shot and angrily glare at Kakashi, wanting to be in his lap instead of a high chair.

"Pa. Pa." The silver haired boy enunciated clearly in protest. Kakashi grinned down at him,

"Sorry bud, not tonight."  He then sat down right next to him with Keiko on this other side and Izuna next to her.

"D-doobe."  Izuna clicked his tongue angrily at his brother. Both of them apparently very grumpy.

"Did he just try to say dobe?"  Keiko pinched the bridge of her nose then gave a pointed look at Sasuke who gave a weak smile and sweat dropped.

"Never mind that.  Thank you for cooking."  Kakashi kisses her temple and they all started to dig in. Naruto and Sai arguing loudly with Sakura kicking both of them under the table to shut them up.  Kakashi looked around at his dysfunctional family and smiled, he wouldn't trade any of them for the world.

"I love you Kakashi." Keiko smiled up at him, his right hand resting on her thigh gave her a small squeeze.

"I love you too Keiko."  He smiled down at her, Izuna and Obito seemed to have gotten over their small attitudes and giggled at Naruto's funny faces. That left a small pang in Kakashi's heart though, as Hokage he would be sacrificing a lot of time with his children. What if they didn't feel like he cared about them enough?  And he wouldn't ever want Keiko to feel burdened and left alone. That was his job though, he would have to make it work. No matter what. Because he knows she supports him and he will do his damnedest to support him wholeheartedly.

After dinner Keiko pulled Kakashi into the kitchen as the rest of team 7 laughed and worked hard to make the twins giggle as much as possible.

"I need to tell you something-" she started when all of a sudden an explosion was heard right outside the house...

TO BE CONTINUED - in the sequel! That's right. This book is officially done! But guess what? Since I love you guys so much the first chapter of the sequel is already posted! Thank you all for supporting me and I hope to see you all in the next book!  It will be titled "My Life with You: Sequel"

ALSO, the prequel labeled "My Life with You: Prequel" will be about Madara and his lover! First chapter is up!

ALSO, the prequel labeled "My Life with You: Prequel" will be about Madara and his lover! First chapter is up!

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