Hidan and Kakuzu (Edited)

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The sun was peaking over the horizon as we neared the area that our sources told us that Hidan and Kakuzu were going to be. We decided to stop and finalize some steps for our plan. Shikamaru figured out a strategy to deal with Hidan, however since they weren't able to see Kakuzu's abilities that made him dangerous. Also from what Shikamaru had said, Kakuzu kept his wits about him and was even able to sew Hidan's head back on. That makes him even more dangerous.

After everything was set and ready to go, we continued our search with Pakkun leading us towards the pair of Akatsuki members. It wasn't long before I could hear a voice in the distance. It was...vulgar to say the least.

"That's Hidan." Shikamaru spoke up without even looking behind him. Then coming into view I saw two tall men. One with slicked back silver hair and the other with a mask and piercing green eyes.

"Oh? Who the fuck are you?" Hidan gave us all a smug look. I felt the three chunin tense up immediately. I activated my sharingan and pulled out my katana.

"Uchiha." Kakuzu growled and pulled out a very used book and flipped the pages quickly. "I can get a fair price for her head." His deep voice echoed through the clearing.  Kakashi took a protective step in front of me with an intense look in his eye.

Added Part Starts Here!

In a matter of seconds Ino, Choji, and Kakashi started with their attacks. With Ino and Choji fighting Hidan I used my transportation jutsu from my mangekyou to appear behind Kakuzu and using lightning style through my katana I drove it through Kakuzu's heart. With a cough of surprise, the large man fell face first in the dirt with a loud thud.

Great. One down with a surprise-

Just then a deep, throaty chuckle echoed through the clearing. Everyone froze and looked down at what should be a dead man.

"Keiko look out!" Kakashi yelled trying to get to me but it was too late. My throat was grabbed roughly by Kakuzu's hand through the ground using his thread-like ability. I felt myself starting to lose consciousness but was able to use my transportation jutsu again just in time. Kakashi's strong arms wrapped around me as I stumbled a little. I could hear Kakuzu curse under his breath. The tall muscular man stood up and brushed his shirt off his shoulders and threw my katana off to the side.

"You actually managed to destroy one of my hearts. No worries, I'll just take yours to make up for it." He turned slightly showing his backside covered in masks. One of them destroyed by my katana. That left three other masks undamaged. As we studied his back the masks started pulling off of his skin with a sickening ripping sound. Then there stood the masks separate from Kakuzu, each in a large shadow form.

Just then one of the masks opened its mouth and I could see it amassing a large amount of chakra with my sharingan. Shit. I only had a small amount of time to grab Kakashi and run towards the kids.


A dark gray chakra enveloped around the chunin,Kakashi, and I

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A dark gray chakra enveloped around the chunin,Kakashi, and I. Barely able to block us from the sea of fire flyingtowards us. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wow so this is the Susanoo. I never knew that it could be so large." Shikamaru commented. I nodded and started forming signs with my Susanoo matching my movements.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Taking a deep breath and then started spewing out large balls of fire towards the two Akatsuki members. This left enough time for me to dissipate my Susanoo and for Shikamaru to explain his plan.

"Before we attack. Kakashi and Keiko sensei, since you two have the most experience and are better at up close combat, I need you to get in Hidan and Kakuzu's face for as long as possible with Ino and Choji providing support and keeping the shadows off you. I'll try to catch Hidan with my shadow possession as quickly as possible." As the dust settled, Kakashi and I sprinted towards the two Akatsuki members. Both of us having a kunai in hand.

I slid on the rough ground under Hidan to avoid the triple bladed scythe. I kicked a leg up behind him but was blocked by the handle of his scythe. We continued like this for a while. Dodge. Kick. Swipe. Left Hook. Dodge. Jump. Kick. I could see Ino and Choji providing long range attacks. I tried to keep Kakashi in my line of sight as well.

However, Hidan's bloodlust was very apparent and I didn't have much room for error or I would be chopped into pieces. Using a substitution jutsu I hid myself underground for enough time to launch myself upwards and landed a solid blow under Hidan's chin making him land flat on his back and Shikamaru's possession finally linked. The young Nara wasted no time in leaving the clearing with Hidan in tow. I scanned the clearing since Kakashi was able to break off of Kakuzu and regroup with Ino, Choji and me.

We wasted too much time regrouping though. I noticed the "Lightning" mask open wide like the fire one before. Just before the wave of lightning could touch the two chunin behind us, Kakashi and I cancelled out the attack with our own lightning style. With both of us panting, I felt a wave of pain course through my eyes. I grunted slightly and raised a hand to apply pressure on my temple to try to ease the pain a little.

Kakashi must've noticed and turned to Choji and Ino,

"Can you hold him off for a little while?" Through blurry eyes I could make out their heads nodding. I felt Kakashi's hand wrap around my slim waist and pulled me close to him with his other hand covering my eyes. The warmth in itself brought relief but then I felt chakra being pumped into my eyes and I could instantly feel a small amount of relief.

"I didn't think you could do medical ninjutsu." I spoke quietly.

"This is the extent of it. I can really only ease the pain a little." His voice soothed my ears and stress. He seemed to be focused on the two chunin fighting as well. Just then out of the blue I hear a familiar voice echo throughout the clearing.


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