Hidan and Kakuzu pt2

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"Rasenshuriken!"  I heard a familiar voice echo above me.  Kakashi's hand still covering my eyes and trying to ease the pain.

"I didn't think he had mastered it already."  Kakashi muttered quietly.

"Hn."  I hummed as the throbbing feeling eased.

"It's really only affective half the time." I heard Yamato's voice pipe up.

"I see."  My husband gently uncovered my eyes, keeping a hand on my waist, he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.  I looked up at him with a small smile.  Time seemed to slow as his dark orb and sharingan stared into mine.  My sharingan faded away as I gazed behind Kakashi.  Naruto's new jutsu seemed to fail the first time.

However It looked like Choji and Ino were able to destroy another mask.  Kakuzu, seemed to have absorbed his other masks and was able to do more long distance attacks with his thread.  However Naruto had another large form of rasengan in his hands.  It was spinning so fast that a high pitched sound filled the clearing.  I looked up at Kakashi.

"This is what he was working on?"  My surprise evident in my voice.

"This is what he was working on?"  My surprise evident in my voice

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"Mhm.  I'm surprised he even got this far."  Kakashi was still holding me close.  His body warmed mine which made me feel more relaxed.  Naruto then threw his jutsu towards the monster-like Kakuzu which then exploded into a huge dome of light.  You could barely hear Kakuzu yell in pain over the explosion in the clearing.  As the dust settled Kakuzu's body laid lifeless with his face in the dirt, revealing the four broken masks on his back. While letting me go, Kakashi flashed to the body with his chidori and finished him off.


"Hm?"  I glanced up at Tenzo who was behind me.

"I need to apologize to you.  The last time I saw you, well actually the first time I saw you after I got back, I wanted to tell you how I really felt.  However when we took a break at the hot springs I couldn't bring myself to do it.  So then my feelings just got bottled up and kind of all came out at once.  I really am sorry.  You and Kakashi are the people that I am closest to and the last thing I want to do is lose you two for some petty feelings." His eyes showed he was very genuine about what he said.

"Hn.  I guess I can accept your apology.  I'm assuming that's why Kakashi seemed so cool around you?"

"Well...He was a little harder to convince."  He awkwardly laughed with I'm assuming a picture of a very angry Kakashi scolding him in his head.

"  He awkwardly laughed with I'm assuming a picture of a very angry Kakashi scolding him in his head

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"Heh.  I know Kakashi views you as a little brother though and I can tell you're being sincere.  Thank you."  I smiled lightly as Kakashi walked up next to us with Kakuzu slung over his shoulder.

"Let's get back.  I'm sure Lady Tsunade can perform some tests on him."  Kakashi nodded towards Yamato who then created a wood clone to carry the body.

"Did you find out anything about Sasuke?"  I asked quietly to Kakashi so only he would hear me.

"No.  He didn't know anything."  He sighed as he looked at my small frown.

"Ah.. Okay.  Let's get going then."  I plastered a fake smile on and motioned for the team to start heading back to the village.  "Let's all be glad no one was seriously injured.  You came in at just the right time Naruto."  I praised earning a big toothy grin from the blonde.

"Thanks Keiko sensei."

AN: Hey guys.  I've been having some more writers block.  I have an idea as to where I want to go with the book but having some issues figuring out the right way to get there.  Sorry this chapter is so short.  I hope you like it though(:

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