3rd Division

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Keiko's POV

Preparations for war went by quickly and wildly. Thanks to the seasoned jonin that had already participated in the third shinobi war, the chunin and those unaccustomed to war were eased into the transition fairly easily. I was glad that all children genin weren't going to be participating in the war. Kakashi had already left the house that morning. Giving Izuna and Obito a loving kiss on the forehead each, whispering how much he loved them.

My heart wrenched a little at the sight, knowing that they very well could be orphaned by the end of the war. It was necessary though, it was our lives and the risk we had to take. Either way, I knew that they will be taken care of and loved. out an hour after Kakashi left the house, Sasuke and I made our way to the Haruno household with Izuna and Obito in tow.

"Now you two be good boys. Always eat well and give Mebuki and Kizashi no trouble. I love you both so much." I spoke softly to them as their big onyx orbs blinked up at me.

"You know they're not even a year old yet. They will cause some trouble since they're related to you." Sasuke smirked with his arms across his chest.

"They're related to you too." I scoffed with a grin. "That means they're definitely troublemakers. Don't think I've forgotten the little shenanigans the three of you used to pull to try to see Kakashi's face." I giggled and lightly tapped on the front door.

"Tch, that dobe." Sasuke muttered under his breath and turning his head away. With that comment the door swung open dramatically.

"Oh hello Keiko-chan! Sasuke dear!" Mebuki grinned at the two of us, making a blush form across both of our cheeks.

"Hello Mebuki-san." I smiled cheerily with a small wave. "I believe Kakashi dropped pretty much everything off except the boys right?"

"He sure did." Kizashi appeared next to his wife with a hearty laugh.

"Hm. Thank you..really." I murmured while giving a small loving glance at my bright eyed sons. My heart ached a little more. Mebuki gave me a knowing look and quickly embraced me making my eyes widen in shock.

"It's no problem dear. You be safe out there. Both of you." She gave Sasuke a warm glance. "Keep an eye out for my daughter okay?" She winked and grabbed the handles on the stroller. I couldn't help but bend down and give both of them a small kiss on the forehead each. The touch was light but each one put a huge weight on my heart. I had to survive for them.

"Thank you guys. Be safe." I whispered and quickly dashed off before the three could notice the tears streaming down my face.

"Mama!" I could hear Obito's voice cry out. Another tear fell. We have to win this war, no matter what.

Kizashi's POV

Keiko quickly gave her goodbye's to her sons and dashed off quickly. I knew her heart had to have been breaking. When I was a full time shinobi, I know that just leaving Mebuki and Sakura behind during the kyuubi incident sent a whole world of fear into my heart. A shinobi war is far worse. Sasuke stared at his sister and was about to go after her when rapid footsteps were heard coming through the house.

"Mama!" The silver haired boy cried out, my heart wrenched for Keiko. I'm sure it took every restraint in her body to not turn right back around and hold him.

"It's time I go Mom and Dad!" Sakura's bright and hopeful voice echoed through the kitchen and entryway. "Dad what're-oh, did Keiko-sensei drop off Izuna and Obito already?" Her sharp green eyes flickered to the young Uchiha for a moment making it very hard not to tease her when a blush crept across her cheeks. Had she not be going to war, I would've done it. My baby girl was grown up and needed. I could feel nothing but pride for her.

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