Little Brother

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Thankfully after a short time in the hospital Izuna, Obito, and I were okay to go home.  Kakashi carried Izuna in his right arm with the hospital bag in his left hand.  I cradled Obito in my arms, Sasuke walked with us.  He had been very helpful and seems to really care about his nephews.  After a while we finally reached the house, by then Obito seemed a little fussy so I took him to the nursery so I could feed him.  Sasuke took the hospital bag from Kakashi who followed me into the nursery with Izuna.  I sat down on our blue cushioned rocking chair and adjusted my very loose shirt to let Obito latch on.

"You look tired."  Kakashi laid a soundly sleeping Izuna in his crib.  He then stood behind the chair and gently rubbed my shoulders.

"I am.  Izuna was up a lot last night."  I gently rubbed Obito's head as he breastfed.

"Why didn't you wake me up?  I would've helped."  He gently pulled my hair out of my face into a loose ponytail.

"It's okay.  You were sleeping really well, besides if they get fussy tonight you can help me."  I smiled up at him.  "I'll make sure to have some bottles ready for you."  I gave him a small wink and he smiled.  Leaning over, he gave me a soft kiss on the forehead.  After a while Obito seemed to be full so I stood up and burped him so that he could sleep too.

  After a while Obito seemed to be full so I stood up and burped him so that he could sleep too

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"I think I'm ready for a nap."  I yawned and leaned onto my husbands firm chest.  He wrapped an arm around my waist and gave a small squeeze.

"Go ahead.  I'll watch the boys."  He whispered and scooped me up in his arms bridal style while making his way to our bedroom which was right next to the boys' room.  I couldn't help but smile and rest my head on his chest happily.  He laid me in our bed and gave me a sweet kiss and not long after sleep overcame me.

After a while I woke up feeling a little refreshed.  I pushed myself out of bed cautiously since I was still sore.  I could hear Sasuke and Kakashi conversing in the living room so I briefly checked the twin's room.  Neither of them were in their beds so I made my way to the living room with a small pit in my stomach.  A wave of relief washed over me as I saw the two men holding the twins.  I smiled to myself at the sight.

"Everything going okay?"  I asked.

"Everything is great.  Are you feeling better?"  Kakashi smiled up at me while gently bouncing Obito.

"Yes thank you."  I walked over to the two of them.  Sasuke looked more comfortable holding Izuna but handed him over to me.

"I need to leave."  Sasuke stated plainly.

"You're free to leave the house whenever Sasuke.  Thank you for helping though."  I stroked Izuna's black hair softly.

"No, I mean the village.  If Itachi targeted our entire clan, what's to stop him from trying something here?  He has already snuck into the village before."  Even though his face was stoic, his tone of voice sounded worried.  "I would prefer to go alone."

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