Welcome (Long Chapter)

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A few months later~

Today marks my 8th month of being pregnant. We had set up the nursery with bright blue walls and dark grey curtains. We had two cribs with a changing station in the middle of the two. Thanks to our close friends and some of the villagers, we had already had the room stocked with diapers and wipes and baby food. I rested my hand on my now very pregnant belly and smiled as I felt a small kick.

"You're practically glowing." I heard a deep voice and I looked at the doorway to see Kakashi leaning against the wall with a smile. His mask was off and his sleeves were rolled up. I could feel my cheeks heat up a little.

"Thank you." I said as he walked towards me and got on his knees giving my belly a soft kiss. He talked to them often about how excited he was to meet them and how much he loves them already. He stood up and pulled me into a light embrace, careful not to squeeze me too hard. He looked down at me with love in his eye making my heart flutter. He leaned down slowly until our lips touched ever so softly. I rested my hands on his chest as he had one arm around my back and the other gently pushing a strand of my hair behind my ear and gently resting under my chin. I could hear the front door quietly open and close. We pulled apart and he pulled up his mask with a wink.

"Sasuke?" I called out.

"Yeah." He walked into the nursery with a bag in each hand.

"What're you up to?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Naruto and I weren't sure what to get the boys so Sakura suggested we get something made. Naruto would be here to give it to you but he was asking Asuma about something and told me to go ahead and give them to you." He handed the bags to me.

"You guys didn't have to do anything." I smiled and gave Sasuke a small hug. Opening one of the bags I saw a light blue blanket with the Hatake clan symbol and the Uchiha clan symbol in the middle with a name embroidered under the two clan symbols. I looked at the other bag and it had the same design with another name embroidered on it.

"Oh Sasuke. They're beautiful." I felt myself tearing up and pulled him into a hug. He actually hugged me back and I could see a soft smile on his face. "Thank you so much." I laid each blanket in each crib.

"I'm glad you like them." He stood back up completely and looked around the room. It was so peaceful in there. Kakashi was just finishing up organizing some of the clothes we had for the twins. Just then I felt a solid kick.

"Oh they're kicking. Do you want to feel?" I rested my hand over where I had felt the kick. He had a look of uncertainty on his face. "It's okay." I guided his hand to my stomach where there was another kick. His eyes widened as it happened but he then smiled. Actually smiled.

"So Obito and Izuna. Do you think anyone would target them?" Sasuke frowned at the thought but it was a valid point. Being the sons of the infamous Kakashi Hatake and of the Uchiha bloodline.

"I'm sure at some point that could happen." I rubbed my belly slowly. "But I am here and so are you and Kakashi. I have no doubt that they will be safe." I smiled up at him. His eyes widened.


"Of course. You're their uncle and extremely strong. I believe that if you were put in a position to protect my children, your nephews, you would be able to do it without fail." I rested a hand on his shoulder as the corners of his mouth etched into a small smile. I looked over at Kakashi who nodded.

"We trust you Sasuke." Kakashi gave him a small pat on the back as he exited the room.

About a couple weeks later I was just getting out of bed for the day when I felt a horrible cramp making me stop what I was doing and just breathe for a moment. After a little while the pain had passed and I was able to stand again. I pulled on a loose dress and braided my hair to the side. About 10minutes had passed from the bad cramp before I was hit with another one. I gripped the wall tightly as my breath hitched. After about 30 seconds it had passed. I knew these must be the contractions. I made my way down the hallway and saw Kakashi just turn down the hallway too.

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