Memories Pt 3

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Keiko (Age 5)

A little girl skipped along the sidewalk on her way home from the academy. She already moved up a grade from easily knowing all of the basics and rules for being a shinobi thanks to Fugaku's hard training she received pretty much as soon as she could walk and talk. It was a time of war and they couldn't waste any time to wait for young talented prodigy's like herself to take the normal route to graduate. She ran into the house, kicking off her sandals and jumped into her mother's warm embrace.

"I got promoted to the next class Mama!" She exclaimed happily with a bubbly smile.

"Oh good job sweetie! You're growing up so fast." Mikoto spoke with ready eyes at her little girl, but deep down she felt a pit in her stomach from Fugaku pushing her to graduate as early as possible. She's only a little girl, not an emotionless soldier.

"Mama why don't we ever visit your mom and dad? You do have a mom and dad right? I had a lot of fun with Pops and Granny with Papa." Keiko suddenly changed the subject whilst helping her mom clean up the living room.

"I do have a mom and dad dear.." Mikoto chuckled but her face grew solemn, "they've just passed away before you were born. I'm sure you would've had a lot of fun with them though." She reassured her precious daughter. Pressing down the feeling of guilt, knowing full well that she would've never let Keiko or Itachi anywhere near her father even if he was alive. Then the sound of the door slid open, Fugaku must've gotten off work early.

"Papa! Guess what? I graduated to the next class!" Keiko's happy voice carried through the home along with Fugaku's deep chuckle.

"You sure did, that's why I want to introduce you to Ibiki." That name made Mikoto freeze and clench her fist. Just what does he think he's doing? She almost growled at the thought and marched her way to the door. She saw Keiko silently standing in front of Ibiki, almost as if she was analyzing him.

"I'm Keiko Uchiha Mr. Ibiki." Her daughter proudly announced with her tiny hand reached up to shake his. The scarred man raised an eyebrow but grinned and gently shook her hand. Mikoto shot an accusing glare at her husband, to which he didn't react to.

"Keiko, I have an important task I need you to do. Would you mind taking a few tests for me? Just so I know you're ready for something like this." Ibiki grinned at the sight of the little girl lighting up immediately and nodded vigorously.

"What are you talking about?" Mikoto growled at the man, unable to keep her calm composure when it came to her dear child.  Thankfully Itachi was only just born and she didn't have to worry about him being pushed to this quite yet.

"You know what this is Mikoto."  Was all Ibiki said before motioning Fugaku to follow him along with Keiko who held her father's hand. Definition of pure innocence and love, soon to be crushed by the reality of the world.

"Fuck." Was all Mikoto could say before the tears uncontrollably rolled down her cheeks and and ran into her baby's room. She sobbed quietly as she looked with as much love as she could muster at her little man. "I love you my baby boy."  She said shakily, trying to calm herself and avoid thinking of what insane mission Ibiki had in store for her daughter.

Keiko followed the scarred man and happily walked next to her father who held her hand tightly.  She just finished her test and Ibiki seemed pleased with the results. They reached a new office with a few other shinobi waiting for them. A tall man with long silver hair in a low ponytail looked down at her with kind eyes.

"Fugaku are you coming along with us?" The man asked with a genuine smile, the shinobi surrounding him seemed to respect the silver haired man.

"No. She is."  Fugaku kneeled down to Keiko's height and patted her hair gently.  "This is my daughter Keiko."  He spoke with pride and gently pushed her towards the man.

"For Kami's sake Fugaku. She's about the age of Kakashi." The man frowned but quickly changed into a smile at the young girl, "Keiko my name is Sakumo Hatake.  I'm the leader of this squad."  She gazed over him stoically as she had with Ibiki before,

"Hello Sakumo-sama."  Her adorable voice melted the hearts of the men in that room.

"We have a mission for you Keiko. I need you to pay close attention to plan and if this goes well, no one will get hurt." Ibiki gave the girl a hard look to which she returned making him inwardly grin at how well she handles herself. She will be fine.

Pregnant Keiko

"Kakashi..." A soft mumble escaped the raven haired woman as she awkwardly shuffled in her bed towards her unsuspecting husband. Wow he's so cute. She giggled internally but frowned at his lack of response. She felt her very swollen tummy that gave her an angry grumble.

"Kakashiii." She drug out his name with a little annoyance laced in her tone. That made the silver haired man stir a little in his sleep, but not fully awake him, making her pout even more. She shuffled even closer, her bump making it quite difficult. Well by bump, it was really a freaking watermelon for a stomach. She growled at her husband's sleeping form. If she can't sleep... Neither can he. She bit her lip as her hand hovered above his face.

Tch. Some shinobi. She rolled her eyes, her hair creating a black curtain covering half of her face. With a "soft" flick she grinned to herself as Kakashi shot up in surprise, holding his now tender nose.

"Aren't there nicer ways to wake up your loving husband?" He gave her a sleepy pout.

"Nope." She exclaimed and really pronounced the 'p' sound. "I'm hungry." She deadpanned making him want to slump over and throw a small tantrum. But he wouldn't do that. Because he's an adult. He's definitely never done that before. Especially when it comes to a certain man UNJUSTLY getting grounded from his books.

"Kakashi." The woman grew even more annoyed as deep down she suddenly wanted to burst into tears because of a thought of a cute puppy crossed her mind. "Please get me some sweet pickles and dango." She felt the tears brimming her eyes as she looked up desperately at her very tired husband. His eye widened at the sudden tears.

"Okay! Okay! Why're you crying?" He gently caressed her cheeks as small tears slipped down them.

"I saw a weally cute puppy today." She started sobbing uncontrollably into his chest.

"Keiko... I literally have dog summons, do you want me to summon one while I grab you some food?" He asked, desperate to appease his very hormonal pregnant wife.

"I don't want Pakkun." She wailed but then suddenly stopped completely and stared at him dead in the eye and with the most serious voice said, "I want Bull." He sweatdropped. Of all the dogs he can summon. She wants the largest, messiest, drooliest, dog he knows.

  She wants the largest, messiest, drooliest, dog he knows

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"Okay I'll summon Bull." He smiled and gave her a sweet kiss and quickly summoned a sleepy Bull. "Keep her company while I'm gone." He ordered, making the big dog nod, already snuggling up against the very pregnant woman with hearts in her eyes at the sight of him.

"Thanks Kakashi." She mumbled sleepily with a smile as she laid down with her head resting on Bull that protectively wrapped himself around her. "I can give you a proper thanks when you're back." She gave him a wink and wiggled her eyebrows, making him chuckle and shake his head.

"You don't owe me anything Keiko. I love you. I'll be back soon." He kissed the top of her head and wrapped her up in a blanket and gave Bull a pat before heading out to a 24/7 store with hopes that he can find the items she's craving.

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