Kakashi's Diversion

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As Sasuke walked out of the tent to join Naruto and Sakura, Keiko let out a quiet sigh.  Kakashi turned to her and brushed a long black lock of hair out of her eyes.  Thankful for the little bit of privacy, he captured her pink supple lips with his.  She allowed her moan to vibrate against his lips making him wanting more.  His hands gripped her hips tight as hers held onto his cloak.

"Kakashi-"  She breathed but his mouth quickly covered hers again.  He wanted to ignore his responsibilities for now.  He was against the idea of being Hokage, he would prefer the life of less restriction.

"You would be a better Hokage."  He muttered as they pulled apart resulting in a snort in response from his wife.

"Hell no."  She giggled.  "If I had any chance before, it's long gone now.  Besides, you have Guy and I here for you always.  Give yourself some credit Kakashi."  She wrapped her arms gently around his waist, taking in his intoxicating scent.  He returned her hug while resting his cheek on the top of her soft hair.

"Hm."  He hummed softly, enjoying her presence alone for once.  Anytime he usually got with Keiko someone had to just barge righ-


The silver haired jonin sighed inwardly with a tsk of annoyance.

"Yes Guy?"  He asked with a bored tone.

"Come with me!"  The tall man with the dark bowl cut excitedly called for his friend.  Kakashi gave his wife a sideways glance and to his surprise, saw a cute smile play across her lips.

"Hn, let's go Kakashi."  She kept smiling and hooked her slender arm in his muscular one.

"Fine."  He slightly pouted under his mask.

The quiet couple followed their extravagant friend through the dirt streets and stopped at the entrance of the village.

"I challenge you Kakashi Hatake!"  Guy started with a blinding grin, "I know once you become Hokage, you won't have much time for anything like this.  So we'll call this our last challenge.  The grande finale!"  The loud jonin's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Guy, I-"

"I think that's a great idea Guy."  Keiko piped in earning a small look from her husband.  "Winner gets a kiss."  She winked and poofed at the finish line that was manned by Rock Lee.

"I won't go easy on you just because the winner gets a kiss.  Keiko is truly a beauty."  Guy cackled to himself as the two jonin took off.  In which he felt a pang against his head making him do a double take at his rival.  "What the-"

He then saw Kakashi in mid-air with him, holding a skillet in one hand and a rubber mallet in another.  Thus ensued a random object throwing war at each other.

"GO GUY SENSEI!!"  The hyperactive chunin excitedly jumped up and down and then insisted on doing as many as pushups possible during the race.  The dark haired kunoichi just ignored him as he loudly counted.  She kept her eyes trained on her silver haired husband.  He needed this.  A distraction and to just be free before he was elected as Hokage.  This brought a warm smile to her face.

  This brought a warm smile to her face

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