Infinite Tsukuyomi

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Naruto stood tall and defiantly glared at Madara and gently rested his palm on Guy's chest and left a strange white orb right where is heart is.

"He should live."  Naruto mumbled softly with fond eyes.

"How?  You're both okay?  What is that?"  Kakashi asked in shock to his suddenly resurrected brother-in-law.

"We met the Sage of Six Paths."  Was all Sasuke said and gave him a side glance making Kakashi's eyes widen at the sight of the rinnegan in his left eye.  Obviously growing impatient at the little 'reunion,' Madara flew at blinding speed towards the silver haired jonin and with a millisecond, stole the sharingan that was once implanted into Kakashi and implanted it into his own eye socket and opened the dimension that Obito was in and disappeared.

"Shit."  Kakashi gasped in pain while holding his face with one hand and still holding and unconscious Keiko with his other.

"He's too fast."  Sasuke clenched his fists but looked down at his sister.  "Is she okay?"  He asked with a pang of worry in his heart at seeing the blood that coated the ground beneath her.  Naruto walked up to Kakashi with a concentrated look and placed his palm that had saved Guy to his sensei's temple.

"Y-yeah.  She just lost a lot of blood but Sakura healed her."  Naruto let go of Kakashi's face to let him slowly stand back up with Keiko in his arms and opened his once closed eye to reveal a now perfectly working onyx eye.

A portal opened back up making the three shinobi tense but soon relax at the sight of the pink haired chunin running out and it closing up closely behind her.  "He's going to get the rinnegan."  She panted while shaking a little but noticed her resurrected teammates.  "Oh my god.  You're okay."  She ran towards them and pulled them tightly into a hug with a few stray tears sliding down her cheeks.

"You can't get rid of me yet Sakura-chan!"  Naruto gave her a flashy grin and a thumbs up, with the familiar glow of Kurama's chakra and was circled with the black orbs that were the same as the black rods that impaled the Senju brothers, making her smile through her tears and a sniffle.

"We need to be ready, I'm sure he's going to be out of the portal too.  It looks like the Tsukuyomi is almost complete."  Sasuke picked up his katana that was coated in his and Keiko's blood and also beginning to remove the rods holding the 1st and 2nd Hokage's down with Naruto assisting.  Kakashi furrowed his eyebrows, What exactly happened?

It wasn't a minute later that the portal opened up again with a barely conscious Obito and a power-surging Madara.  He indeed had both rinnegan implanted and a look of achievement on his smug face making Sakura frown in defiance.

"Naruto, Sasuke follow my lead." Was all she said whilst activating her seal which spread the black marking across her body and sped towards Madara who easily impaled the pinkette making both Sasuke and Naruto's eyes grow wide in worry and sped faster towards their teammate to hopefully seal the eldest Uchiha thanks to their new powers from the creator of shinobi.

Keiko's POV

I awoke feeling pretty sore in my side and hearing Kakashi yelling in worry, "Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto!"

"Nnn." I groaned and struggled to try to sit up and felt a pair of strong hands pull me close, but when I opened my eyes everything was out of focus. I could at least make out who was who due to the different hair color, but I couldn't see defined objects.

"Keiko? Keiko are you okay?" I recognized Kakashi was speaking to me and was kneeling in front of me. It was dark so it was a little harder to see who was who. I squinted up at him,

"I-I'm okay. Sasuke and Naruto are okay? What about Sakura?" I felt a wave of relief wash over me since the last time I saw them was before I passed out from blood loss.

"We're okay sensei." Sakura bit her lip and shuffled closer to me, I could at least hear fine. "You can't see us can you?" I could feel the wind of her hand waving in front of me.

"I can see color blobs. Nothing defined. It's harder to tell who is who in the dark. Was I out for very long?" I asked quietly, a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach knowing that it was only a matter of time before I could no longer see anything, maybe know if there is light but that would be the extent. We would have implanted Sasuke's eyes into my own but the one to transplant his eyes was Obito and therefore had Sasuke's eyes in his hideout.

"It's noon right now. We're in Sasuke's Susanoo." Sakura continued while sending a worried glance towards her teammates that were still on edge from the recent events. "That's not the biggest issue. The Infinite Tsukuyomi was completed. We weren't able to stop Madara." The sound of defeat was evident in her voice.

"It'll be okay Sakura. You three are plenty strong and you know how to defeat him and we will figure out a way to save everyone. We'll take this time to strategize." I let a soft smile play upon my lips.

"Yosh! We're gonna kick his ass. Right teme?" Naruto's orange glow was the easiest thing to spot within the wings of the Susanoo.

"Ah." Sasuke agreed quietly.

3rd person POV

Kakashi looked sadly at his wife that was definitely struggling a little with adjusting with her deteriorated vision, but relief washed over him to see that she was still adjusting quickly. Considering that her biggest advantage in fights was her sharingan, he was still worried for what was on the other side of these wings. Sakura looked exhausted from constantly using her chakra but was healed fine thanks to her seal when they had fought Madara. Keiko shakily stood up but fell back into her husband's embrace.

"You lost a lot of blood Keiko, take it slow." He mumbled against her neck which calmed her.

"I know. What about you? Are you okay?" She turned in his arms and rested her head on his chest and instantly his head rested on top of hers.

"I'm fine. I don't know what to think of Obito. I just wish I knew sooner, maybe all of this could've been avoided." Regret filled his voice making her heart twinge in sadness. Their first child was lost because of the stress of all this.

"The past is the past Kakashi. There's no use for having regrets. We have to, no, we will win. For the world and for our family." She spoke with such resolve and determination it sparked the light in the three teenagers listening to work as hard as they could to defeat the biggest challenge they've ever faced in their lives.

"It'll be time soon. Rest while you can." Kakashi sighed and guided Keiko down into his lap. He gently stroked her long hair as she leaned back against his chest, her side was still sore but she was able to move a little more without being as stiff. Only a couple more hours and Sasuke would undo the Susanoo and they would attack Madara. They all couldn't help but feel that something else was wrong.

  They all couldn't help but feel that something else was wrong

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