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*Keiko Flashback*

I had woke up wrapped in a blanket and leaning on the wall.  No one else was in the room and the house was quiet.  I yawned and a smile grew from my lips as I remembered the previous night.  Tenzo was right, I needed to find someone that I could talk to.  Kakashi is everything I could ask for. He's strong, intelligent, easy to talk to, and well... He's also pretty cute.  I made my way out of the house to find the four of my team in the forest about to get training since we had some downtime.  Just the sight of them warmed my heart though.  They were the closest Sasuke and I would get to as a family.  Naruto being obnoxious and a knucklehead brought laughter to the group where Sasuke would usually take the lead and Sakura keeping the two of them in line when they started arguing.

  Naruto being obnoxious and a knucklehead brought laughter to the group where Sasuke would usually take the lead and Sakura keeping the two of them in line when they started arguing

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When Kakashi saw me I could see a smile spread across his face making me blush a little.  The three kids instantly got a kind of creepy grin on their face as they looked between Kakashi and I.

"Unless you want to do pushups until the sun sets I suggest you all wipe that grin off your face." I put my hands on my hips and looked at them with the scariest face I could muster without laughing.  The three of them instantly hung their heads quickly making Kakashi laugh.  I instantly smiled again and motioned for them to watch Kakashi so he can show them what they need to practice, which was climbing trees with their chakra.  Sakura of course got it instantly which is no surprise after working with her chakra control beforehand.  So leaving the two boys to work it out Sakura, Kakashi, and I went to watch the old man build the bridge and keep an eye out for any other ambushes.

It was a little chilly that day but the sun warmed us a little.  Just a few clouds in the sky and the birds were singing.  The only other noise we could hear was the construction of the bridge.  That's when a messenger hawk flew down to us.  Kakashi removed the message, briefly read it, and grimly handed it to me.  I could tell something bad had probably happened.  I looked over the message and two words had stood out to me.

He escaped.

I could feel my body tense up.  I crumpled up the paper and stood up.  "I'm going to take care of this." My fists were clenched and I grit my teeth.  Kakashi put a hand on my shoulder and looked at me pleadingly.

"You should wait so that I could go with you." He whispered.  I smiled and gave his hand a squeeze.

"If I wait there could be a possibility of the kids getting hurt.  I won't risk my comrade's lives if I can help it."  He lowered his gaze and seemed to understand where I was coming from.

"At least let Pakkun come with you so he can let me know if you're in trouble."  He summoned the small brown dog without letting me answer.  I shook my head and gave Kakashi a small side hug and kiss his cheek.  "Actually you don't have a choice."  He gave me a small smile.  I could tell he was worried though.

"I guess I can let him come."  I rolled my eyes and motioned Pakkun to follow me.  "I'll see you back at the village Hatake."

"It's a date Uchiha."  He lifted his headband and gave me a wink with his sharingan.  With that I took off to take care of my past once and for all.

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