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I was gripping my hand and gritted my teeth.  "K-kakashi."  I stuttered making him stop and look down at me with worry.

"Keiko do you remember anything?"  He sat me down and felt my forehead.  "You're burning up and you're getting really pale." I slightly nodded avoiding his gaze.

"It's someone I used to know when I was younger."  I whispered and rubbed the back of my hand as the pain subsidded.  He raised an eyebrow egging me on to explain.  I took a deep breath and started to explain my story.  Keeping all of the gory details out of it just so he knew the jist of it.  "Well anyways.  That's the gist of it.  You really don't need to know all the nitty gritty details."  I crossed my arms and then I just felt my vision get really blurry and my breath started to get shallow.  Kakashi worriedly caught me and pulled me close.

"Hey Keiko?"  He gently shook me but I was out cold.  I was shiverring and breathing heavily.  He cursed under his breath and ran off sprinting towards the leaf hospital.

3 Hours Later~ 3rd person POV

Kakashi was sitting out in the waiting room with Sasuke.  "Sasuke have you ever heard of a man named Jun?"

"I've heard his name maybe once from father.  It was a long time ago though."  Sasuke furrowed his brow and impatiently tapped his fingers on the chair.  "Is he the one responsible?"  His voice was low and he was glaring at the wall.

"It seems so."  Kakashi sighed and leaned back in his chair.  Not long after the doctor stepped out of the room and motioned for Kakashi and Sasuke to come into the room.

"She is stable at the moment.  It looks like she just got sick from being in the rain for so long.  As for the mark.."  The doctor picked up a picture of Keiko's hand and gave it to Sasuke.  "It seems to have some sort of connection to her chakra network and after a few tests, whenever she uses even a little bit of chakra the mark starts to glow and seems to put her in a lot of pain."  Sasuke put down the picture and walked around Keiko's bed taking her hand.

"I've never seen her like this." He mumbled.  Her face was pale and under her eyes are dark.

The doctor continued, "We actually contacted the anbu about this."  Making Kakashi raise an eyebrow.  "After looking into this Jun fellow, we found out he has had a long nasty history with the Uchiha clan,"  Sasuke snapped his head up at that comment, "there was some shady business that went along with the elders and him. I'm assuming that is why he had targeted Keiko.  There is actually a team of anbu searching for him right now.  We shouldn't have anyone this dangerous in the village."

"How dangerous is this guy?"  Sasuke frowned.

"Besides the fact he was able to get Keiko off her guard, with her being a long time anbu kunoichi, his history is very graphic and brutal especially with children."  The doctor finished checking everything on a clipboard.  "I'm sure Keiko would rather I spared all the details."

"Yes I would." a soft voice suddenly spoke up.  Keiko lightly squeezed Sasuke's hand, "why are you guys here?"  Her voice was weak.

"Because we were wondering if you remembered anything from that night."  Kakashi sat at the edge of her bed.

"Only that it was raining really hard I couldn't see very well.  I know I felt like someone was watching me but I couldn't pinpoint where he was."  She rubbed the back of her hand.

"This all happened on the training grounds?"  Kakashi asked and she nodded in response.  Then Kakashi pulled out a book from his pouch and handed it to her.  "Well since you're going to be here for a little while I brought you a book to pass the time."  She smiled sweetly and read the front cover.

My Life With You (Kakashi Hatake Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now