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We all awaited for Tenzo's sign, it didn't take long before we were all standing on the bridge face to face with Kabuto and Orochimaru. Turns out Kabuto was no longer under Sasori's control and Orochimaru knew about our plan the whole time. We stood in our formation with me in the front, Naruto to my left and Sai to my right and Tenzo and Sakura in the back. My sharingan glowing towards Orochimaru as he licked his lips.

I noticed Naruto shaking with anger.

"You should keep your tailed beast in line, which i'm sure you would have no issue with your sharingan. Tell me, are you just as strong as your younger siblings? Or being the only Uchiha to stay in the Leaf made you the weakest?" His raspy voice was like nails on a chalkboard for me. I let no emotion come across my face, keeping it as stoic as possible.

"I did teach both of them. Don't underestimate me." I let a small smirk form on my lips.

"Ah, at least your physical behaviors are similar. I want to test your abilities." Orochimaru hissed with a sadistic smile on my face. Before I could weave a sign he did add one tidbit, "Oh and tailed beast child, you do know that my Sasuke won't return to the Leaf. You might as well give up on him."

Uh oh.

In an instant a flash of orange sped past me attacking Orochimaru who just glided easily out of the way. The tailed beast cloak was already developed around Naruto. I knew we would be caught in the crossfire soon if Naruto got out of control. Just as I was about to jump backwards Naruto had demolished half of the bridge sending debris everywhere. Using the sharingan I was able to jump around them but then I noticed Sakura was on the edge of the bridge knocked out cold. Taking a deep breath, I quickly weaved the summoning jutsu signs while taking a quick bit on my thumb to draw some blood.

"Summoning Jutsu!" I yelled and in a flash a large black scaled dragon appeared. "Onikisu, get everyone off the bridge and get in the air!" I ordered. In a flash she gently scooped Sakura up with her tail and extended a wing for Tenzo to climb up on. Sai had already went ahead with his painted bird. As Onikisu flew up in the sky I crawled down her sleek black steel like scales and grabbed Sakura from her tail and pulled her up towards where Tenzo was.

"Keiko it's been a while, why the sudden need to summon me?" Onikisu spoke telepathically to me.

"We ran into a situation with Naruto and there is too many people I need to watch over while he is on his rampage while we are near a dangerous enemy." I searched Sakura for any injuries besides a small bump on her head.

"I haven't seen you summon in a while, I forgot you were able to do this." Tenzo laughed awkwardly.

"I try not to summon her too often because it uses a lot of my chakra due to how much chakra she can use. But since we are face to face with Orochimaru and Sakura being hurt, I didn't want to risk getting into the crossfire." I pulled out a small scroll and started inscribing what we had experienced so far. "After this mess i'm going to send her to the village with this scroll as a report."

"As big as she is?" Tenzo raised an eyebrow.

"Of course not." I snorted, "Did you forget she can use chakra? Much like Lady Tsunade's summoning, she can appear as a smaller version of herself, she can't divide herself like Lady Katsuyu though." Finishing up writing the report I had noticed that Naruto had destroyed a huge area of forest. "Tenzo you need to get control of the situation." I warned.

"I can't do anything if I can't get close to him." Tenzo sounded frustrated. Onikisu landed nearby the destruction and shrunk down to about the size of my arm.

"Please deliver this scroll to the village. Thank you." I let her grab the scroll with her talons.

In time it seemed that Naruto was drawn back towards us. Sakura had finally gained consciousness again and without a moment's notice ran towards Naruto yelling for him to stop.

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