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When I woke up I felt a huge wave of pain in my head, probably from the overuse of my chakra, I grunted and put my hand to my head to try to ease the pain.  I opened my eyes to a dark room, it looked like the one Tenzo had made before when we were waiting for Orochimaru at his hideout.  Maybe we had stopped before getting back to the Hidden Leaf.  I pushed myself up trying to ignore the sharp pain in my head.  I slid the door open and I could hear voices down the hall.

"What do you wanna do when we get back to the village Sasuke?"  I could hear Naruto's excited voice.

"He will most likely have to go to Lady Tsunade first."  Sai butted in which I'm sure earned a glare from Naruto.  I smiled to myself and slowly made my way towards their room, trying to make sure not to put myself in too much pain.  As I got to the end of the hallway I opened the door just a smidge and smiled.

"I'm sure after killing Orochimaru, he would be fine!"  Naruto defended coldly.

So Orochimaru is dead...

Naruto had his arm slung around Sasuke's shoulders while Sakura sat next to Sasuke and Sai next to Naruto.  They were all smiling, even Sasuke had a small grin on his face.

"Glad to see everyone is getting along."  I spoke up and fully opened the door with a smile on my face.

"Keiko-sensei! What're  you doing up?  Aren't you in pain?"  Sakura hurriedly got up making me laugh nervously and wave my hands.

"I just have a small headache Sakura.  I can move just fine."  The pink haired kunoichi sighed and shook her head.

"You really overdid it this time.  You could've died from the amount of chakra you used!  You've been out for two days!"  She lectured me while checking my temperature.

"I never thought i'd have my student lecture me on chakra use."  I laughed.

"What was that dark shadow that protected you from Orochimaru?"  Sasuke spoke up.

"Oh that's just part of my Susanoo.  Of course if I had all my chakra back I can form armor as well.  It comes with using the mangekyou sharingan."  I explained to which Sasuke frowned.  "I also looked into how to obtain the mangekyou sharingan.  As you know from Itachi, one guaranteed way is to kill your best friend.  Certainly not ideal here.  However there have been some instances when something emotionally big happens, it can trigger the mangekyou sharingan to awaken."  I sat in front of the four of them.

"How'd you awaken your mangekyou sharingan?"  Sai popped in.  I frowned and looked down.  The face that Akari gave me just before she died.

"I'm interested as well."  Sasuke seemed interested.  Taking a deep breath I put on a smile.

"I killed my best friend."  The room got silent.  Sakura and Naruto had a look of shock on their faces.  Sasuke just frowned.  I decided to continue,  "you see, back when I had just graduated from the academy, Sasuke you weren't even born yet.  This is when we were having issues within the clan and Jun.  I'm sure you all remember that incident.  While I was an apprentice at Jun's he had my friend and I fight to the death."  I paused for a moment.  "After all of that I had awakened my mangekyou sharingan.  It's an achievement that I am most certainly not proud of."  I gave them all a smile.  "That's all in the past now.  I'm glad that we're all back together again and I'm sure Kakashi will be happy to see that too."  I pushed myself up and started back towards my room.

"Don't stay up too late now.  Goodnight kids."  I smiled and closed the door behind me.

The next day we had made it to the Hidden Leaf village.  Everyone was surprised to see Sasuke was back.  As Sai predicted, he was summoned to see Lady Tsunade before he could do anything else.  I had a feeling she would let him stay though since he had not committed any crimes against other villages and had only left the Hidden Leaf to train.  I waited outside Lady Tsunade's door as she discussed what would happen with Sasuke.  Tenzo was waiting next to me.

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