Hidden Cloud

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3rd Person POV

After the devastating blow that the Leaf encountered, Lady Tsunade is in a coma due to using almost all of her chakra to heal the people of the village.  As of right now Danzo is making his move to sweep in and take the position of Hokage at the meeting with the Land of Fire Daimyo.  Shikaku Nara with a displeased look at his seat.  His vote for Kakashi Hatake was a strong contender as well but he knew Danzo wouldn't let that happen.

Unknowingly to the Hidden Leaf, news of Sasuke Uchiha kidnapping the Hidden Cloud's jinchuriki has reached the Raikage.  Who in an outrage has sent a team of shinobi to the Hidden Leaf to name Sasuke as an S-Rank criminal for the jinchuriki is the Raikage's brother, Killer Bee.  The team consisted two of the Killer Bee's subordinates.

Keiko's POV

I woke up early today.  The sun wasn't even peaking over the horizon yet.  I glanced over to Kakashi's sleeping form.  His bare chest lightly rising and falling.  I felt a smile spread across my face as I traced my finger across his chest.  Soon I felt my eyelids got heavy again and gently rested my head on his chest and cuddled up closer to him, enjoying his body heat.

"Good morning beautiful."  His deep voice whispered against my hair not long after.

"Hm.  Good morning Kaka.  How'd you sleep?"  I mumbled and nuzzled my head onto his chest more making him chuckle a little.

"Better than usual.  Still a little sore."  He pulled my chin up close to his face and close the gap between us with a soft sensual kiss.  Gently, he pulled me on top of him so that I was straddling him without breaking the kiss.  I could feel his right hand resting on my butt and his left on my waist.  His tongue licked my bottom lip for entrance in which I complied.  I was only wearing an oversized black t-shirt that laid halfway down my thigh and a white thong.  I could feel him giving my butt a firm squeeze making me moan quietly while a blush formed on my cheeks.

Just then there was a solid knock on our front door.  Kakashi growled against my lips in annoyance.  I giggled softly and gave his cheek a peck.  "I'll be back once I see who's there."  I quickly brushed out my hair to smooth it out then opened the door with my cheeks still a little pink to Shikaku with a grim face.  "Shikaku?  Is everything okay?"  It wasn't like him to show up without notice.

"Danzo has been elected as the new Hokage.  Since we have no way of knowing when Lady Tsunade will wake up and with the state of the leaf in near shambles, they didn't want to wait for her." His face was shadowed with uncertainty.

"I see.  Thank you for letting us know."  I frowned a little.  "But why did you come to us directly?"  I raised an eyebrow knowing full well that he didn't have to come personally just to tell us that.

"He has had a nasty past with disliking the Uchihas.  I know he did what he thought was right, but he had a lot of prejudice, especially towards the Uchiha after the nine tailed fox attack.  He may try to cause trouble for you and may even start to go after Sasuke.  Lady Tsunade gave Sasuke leeway because he was a member of Team 7 and knew how much you all cared.  However, you and I both know Danzo doesn't care."  His face was stoic but I could tell he felt torn.

"I know.  Kakashi told me his encounters with Danzo as well and advised me to avoid him.  You don't think he would try anything to Izuna or Obito do you?"  I felt my heart drop at the sudden thought as my eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't think he would have a direct order to do anything.  At least not until he has officially become Hokage.  I would keep a close watch on them though..."  He sighed, "Just be careful."  He turned on his heel and gave a small wave.

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