What is a Kage?

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Keiko ran with Gaara and the controlled nine-tailed version of Naruto towards the Northern battleground. "We need to keep Madara and that masked man separated, they must be plotting together since Madara seemed to know why we were at war in the first place." She spoke steadily making Gaara nod in approval and Naruto excitedly punch the air.

"I'll fight Madara and get him to the point that we can seal him." Naruto cockily cracked his knuckles.

"You will do nothing of the sort. Especially not alone." Keiko growled at her knuckleheaded student.

"It would actually be better if Keiko and I fought him Naruto." Gaara coolly said, "even more so since Keiko and I have great defense justu and I would be able to seal him. You're more likely able to help out the front lines fighting the masked man." The blonde frowned a little but nodded nonetheless.

"Good, I can see the geode statue they were talking about, Madara must be somewhere nearby." Keiko huffed. The sun was hiding behind the clouds, leaving the sky a dark grey, making it easy to spot the glowing orange chakra of Naruto and the nine-tails as he dashed towards the growing crowd of shinobi as more companies rallied to that one spot. Keiko and Gaara kept to the flanks of the army in search of Madara. About a mile off from the battleground, Keiko noticed the distinguishable red armor and long black hair of Madara easily destroying the troops surrounding him. "Gaara hold onto my arm." She ordered and flashed her mangekyou sharingan on with a tear of blood rolling down her cheek and transported her and the Kazekage in front of the elder Uchiha.

Swinging her katana down at the reanimated Madara, she frowned at him blocking her with ease of his kunai. "I'm glad you came back for round two." He smirked up at her while Gaara ushered the troops away from the area.

"You're as cocky as ever. Where did you think of this plan exactly?" She glowered at the man as she jumped back from him after he landed a decent cut on her arm.

"It's been written for generations granddaughter, surely you know of the tablet under the Uchiha compound?" He mocked while they danced around each other with Gaara's sand aiding Keiko's blind spots while trying to attack Madara's blind spots. An eruption beneath the two Uchiha made them jump apart as the Earth cracked and debris flew all around them.

"Lady Tsunade?!" Keiko's eyes widened at the sight of not only Tsunade, but along with the Raikage, Tsuchikage, and Mizukage.

"Keiko, I want you to go to the Hidden Leaf." Tsunade ordered, her stern voice echoed across the clearing.

"The Hidden Leaf? What's going on?" Keiko's anxiety rose, knowing full well that her children were still in the village along with Sakura's parents.

"Your boys are fine." Tsunade's voice softened, "there were some shady shinobi, resembling Sasuke's old teammates, hanging around the Uchiha compound. You know the compound better than anyone and I know that Sasuke already has his hands full."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Keiko bowed slightly with a slight look of unease in Madara's direction, seeing his smug smirk with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

"Don't worry about us Keiko. We are Kage." Tsunade gave her a confident smirk while cracking her knuckles.

"Of course." Keiko smiled with a inward sigh and took off towards the Hidden Leaf village.

Keiko was running well over an hour to reach the Hidden Leaf's border. She panted and cursed at the fact she was getting tired. It gave her time to replenish her chakra though. It wasn't much longer that she reached the Uchiha compound and felt 4 very large chakra spikes in the old meeting place of the Uchiha. She started sprinting towards the building and sped down the stairs but froze as soon as she saw a certain man. Speeding past a small group of men that she didn't really pay attention to, she grabbed Orochimaru by the throat and flung him against the wall.

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