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With a swish of her long black scaled tail, Madara was sent flying into a nearby rock wall by Keiko who was glaring at him with her sharingan illuminating her face and her dragon growling emitting smoke from her nostrils in ferocity towards the elder Uchiha.

"Keiko!"  Kakashi exclaimed with a worried look.  She just gave him a soft smile.

"I got this Kakashi.  Take care of Obito with the kids.  Be safe."  Her gentle voice was enough to convince him as his facial features softened, not many could tell because of his mask but she knew.

"I'll join you."  A clone of the first hokage joined next to the scale-armored Uchiha who was followed by the large dragon, whose scales matched Keiko's.

"Let's go."  She wasted no time and quickly dashed towards the already recuperated Madara who scowled at the thought of fighting a mere clone of Hashirama, but still smirked nonetheless to see his kin accomplish the sage mode, even as his enemy.  At a blinding speed she landed a hard blow to his side and actually made him block and then having to immediately dodge a large ball of fire erupting from the Queen Dragon and wood roots consistently crawling after him from the Hashirama clone whilst throwing his own fire style jutsu and activating his Susanoo.

A wave of fire erupted from the seasoned kunoichi's lips as she flew the air avoiding the phoenix flower jutsu Madara was spewing, cracking the armor of the Susanoo while Onikisu also flew around while providing backup fire and ash jutsu towards the light blue Susanoo.  Hashirama froze when Madara was finally hit but a part of his chest was revealed before his reanimation qualities was able to form back completely.  A white clay-like identical face of the first Hokage was embedded into Madara's chest as the Uchiha grinned sadistically.

Keiko growled in frustration, knowing that his regeneration abilities were covered by not only reanimation, but if he were to be brought back to life completely then he would have the cells to help him heal quickly as well.  Then having the ability to match the first Hokage in every way and have his own jutsu as well causes more problems.

The dragon sage flew to her summon and landed on her back gracefully as Madara and Hashirama started to battle more.  Are you ready?  She asked the large black scaled dragon.

"Let's roast him."  The dragon gave a throaty chuckle as the two of them felt the heat rising through their bodies, emitting a orange glow from under the scales.  Keiko's armored tail mimicked Onikisu's as she balanced on her back and extended her wings fully and chakra flowed through them.  Her long black hair flowed in the wind behind her and her red lips parted and smoke seeped through them as the heat finally spread completely through her body.

"Hell's Inferno jutsu."  Her sharingan still glowing to follow the Uchiha's movements, she and Onikisu spewed the hottest fire they could summon and their chakra charged wings provided powerful gusts of wind to feed the fire into a bigger and hotter whirlwind of death for anyone in it's path.  The first Hokage smirked and jumped out of the way just in time to see Madara get engulfed by the deadly fire.  As the smoke finally cleared, Keiko's sage mode had faded since she had summoned the most nature chakra she could for her wings and the last jutsu.  Onikisu tiredly descended onto the ground gently, allowing Keiko to jump off and watch as the smoke cleared and returned to the summoning world.

"To think you've become so advanced."  A voice growled in Keiko's ear making her stiffen as her eyes widened in shock.  A strong hand closed around her neck and threw her with so much strength she could only watch as she sped towards the stone wall.  Thankfully Hashirama was still close by and caught her in time.

"How'd you avoid that?"  He growled at Madara while helping Keiko regain her balance.

"Surely you remember that the Rinnegan can absorb jutsu."  He chuckled while pointing to his eyes with his thumb.

She growled at him when realizing that he had been able to summon the Rinnegan abilities even in his reanimated form

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She growled at him when realizing that he had been able to summon the Rinnegan abilities even in his reanimated form.  "Why have you become this Madara?  Is this what she would have wanted for you?"  Hashirama gave the elder Uchiha a sad look while still standing protectively in front of Keiko.

"You have no right to speak of her."  Madara's low voice somehow got even deeper and darker as hate was evident across his face right before a frenzy of roots shot from the ground, one fully hitting Hashirama.  Keiko jumped up in the air and felt a root graze her side as she narrowly avoided a fatal stab.  Warm blood trickled down her side and she glanced over to see that Naruto had succeeded in extracting all the tailed beasts from Obito who laid on the ground unmoving.

"It took longer than expected, but it has finally happened."  A dark raspy voice spoke from the ground, raising the hair on the back of her neck in realization and could only watch in horror as the first hokage is ran through with black poles that resembled one of Pein's abilities.  Madara sent her a deadly smirk, even with no eyes she knew she most likely didn't stand a chance against him.

"Obito resurrected you..."  She concluded with his smirk growing.

"So it seems, not willingly however."  She raised an eyebrow at that while applying light pressure on her side, her sharp red glowing eyes flickered to the dark shadow that loomed behind Madara with a sadistic smile.  "I will be in need for some eyes in the meantime.  Your mangekyou is interesting, but I believe your brother's is more suited for me."  He chuckled and watching him tense his muscles, Keiko was able to flash in front of him and send a hard punch towards his chin to which he still evaded it even though he was blind.

"I won't let you get near him Madara.  You'll have to kill me."  She growled as anger flowed through her veins, Hashirama's pleas for Madara to stop fell upon deaf ears as the two of them used Taijutsu with lightning speed.

Her chakra reserves were still low after mustering sage mode along with constantly summoning Onikisu.  She knew it was only a matter of time before he could either outrun her or kill her.

"Keiko!"  Sasuke's voice echoed through the clearing, making Keiko's heart race in fear for her brother.

"Get out of here Sasuke!"  She yelled back at him and landed a small cut on Madara's glove, but wasn't able to pierce the skin.  Of course the youngest Uchiha wouldn't take no for an answer, the first Hokage was pinned down completely and his elder sister looking worse for wear with blood streaming down her side with a fully resurrected Madara fighting her.

Sasuke sped towards his sister and cursed to himself when Keiko was kicked towards a large pile of rocks making her yelp in pain that seared across her body with cuts and bruises and surely a broken bone here or there.

There was a lot of yelling.

The glint of a katana burned in her eyes as she helplessly watched.

"Madara...please...don't..."  She sputtered out as a tear rolled down her cheek.

Blood splattered the ground.

Hey all, so glad you've been reading and certainly hope you've been enjoying it so far!  Sorry for such a long time for an update.  I want to make sure these chapters flow really well and work the way that I want them to.  Thank you all for the wonderful support and reads! <3

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