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Keiko arrived at the battlefield just in time to join Kakashi. The geode statue had been awakened, but since Naruto and Killer Bee were still alive she assumed that it wasn't completely revived yet. She jumped off Onikisu and landed gracefully next to her husband. Onikisu then went back to the summoning world in case she were to be needed at a more dire time.

"Keiko?" Kakashi's eyes widened at her sudden appearance. He looked worn out from constantly fighting. Guy and Naruto were also with him, fighting the masked man while the rest of the allied shinobi force tried to deal with the geode statue and its deadly vines. Keiko frowned at the sight of her husband's current state. She ran towards him and engulfed him into a hug.

"Are you alright?" She whispered into his ear. His body relaxed against hers despite the explosions and dirt flying everywhere. Her raven black hair flowed gracefully behind her and even though they had been at war and she was covered in blood and dirt, he still found her scent intoxicating.

"I'm okay. I'm glad you're okay." He mumbled against her neck and released her after squeezing her gently.

"How touching." A menacing voice growled above them. Guy and Naruto landed next to the couple, the blonde growling in frustration. The mask that the mystery Uchiha wore was cracked, revealing his rinnegan and part of his face.

"Why keep up the façade? What are you trying to achieve by hiding your face?" Keiko huffed and lifted her katana to the man. Kakashi still kept part of his body in front of her, a natural reaction to protect her from any danger. The man glowered at her but also started to laugh. It disturbed anyone watching. Kakashi's heart was beating faster and faster as the man's gloved hand reached for the white mask. Was it who he thought it was? If not, how come their eye abilities were similar? As the mask was finally removed, the silver haired man's breath hitched. Guy looked over at him worriedly as he also recognized his face.

"Obito Uchiha..." Kakashi mustered out.

"Obito?" Keiko echoed her husband and grit her teeth in anger at the man.

"Kakashi." Was all Obito said with an emotionless face, only his eyes were blazing with anger. Keiko grit her teeth and sliced an incoming root of the statue and gave Guy a glance and he knew to follow her lead as she ran towards Obito. Kakashi still seemed frozen so she knew she had to keep an eye on him since Obito hasn't taken his eyes off of her husband. As she ran towards Obito she split off to the left and Guy went to the right.

Both jonin were running at blinding speed and only a super well trained eye could follow the green and blue forms. Just as Keiko was going to slice at Obito's neck, he used his eye's abilities to let Guy's punch fall through him and Keiko used her transportation technique to land behind him. Just as the tip of her katana actually touched Obito's skin, she was pulled backward by the back of her shirt making her heart beat quickly and glanced at the firm hand holding the collar of her cloak.

"Keiko!" Guy yelled, snapping Kakashi out of his daze to see Madara dragging his wife away making him shake with anger at himself. Keiko growled at Madara who for some reason was still reanimated and transported back to her team. She panted as more dark red blood dribbled down her cheek. Guy stood battle ready along with Naruto.

"Lady Tsunade..." Keiko mumbled to herself and clenched her fists out of worry for the Hokage and the rest of the Kage that were fighting Madara.

"You're a persistent bunch, how annoying. Why haven't you taken care of them yet Obito?" Madara growled at the younger male Uchiha.

"We have time still." Was all he said with a small smirk playing on his lips.

"  Was all he said with a small smirk playing on his lips

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"Tch. Let's take care of the pests." Madara jumped away and landed on the screaming geode statue and was soon joined by Obito. The ten tailed beast then started to be even more sporadic and all the shinobi noticed the chakra gathering at the opening of it's mouth.

"That's a tailed beast bomb!" Naruto yelled in worry and tried to run towards the beast only to be stopped by his sensei.

"The trajectory is off. It won't hit us, they must not have full control over it." Keiko frowned as she judged the position of the beast's mouth and noticed Madara's smirk. She looked in the direction that the bomb was pointed at.

"Kakashi is there anything in that direction?" She asked her husband who's eyes widened in realization.

"It's aiming for the command center." He felt his heart lurch as the bomb was just about to leave the beasts mouth when the bomb suddenly disappeared.

"Did it fail?" Naruto asked next to him as he stared in wonder.

"I don't-where's Keiko?" As soon as he asked that there was a bright light in the distance with a loud explosion that even though the explosion didn't reach the shinobi forces, the wind from the impact was still forceful. Keiko landed in front of them, her long black hair being blown back by the wind and her bright red eyes glowered at the two Uchihas on the tailed beast that both growled at her interference. She turned to Kakashi with a small smile.

"I took care of it." She felt the exhaustion hit her and stumbled a little and was caught by Kakashi. His strong arms held her tightly against him.

"Don't do something that crazy again. What if you didn't come back in time?" Guy actually scolded for once.

"We need the command center. Even though we have capable ninja, having a seasoned tactician will be an advantage. There's a reason why they aimed for them." She argued back with a small frown as a stern voice echoed in their heads. Everyone needs to work together to separate the Uchiha's from the ten tails. That's how they're controlling it. This is how we're going to do it. Shikaku's rough voice guided the shinobi forces and through avoiding getting hit by the flailing tails, in a combined effort of throwing powerful earth and fire attacks.

Keeping the two Uchiha busy, Kakashi was staying back to kamui Madara from the ten tails. Just before he was able to open the portal, Madara noticed and jumped off of the ten tails but was still disconnected. Keiko didn't waste any time to push him away from the beast while being backed up by Naruto.

In frustration of not able to get Madara, Kakashi then tried to use Kamui against the beast. Obito however, appeared in front of him and pulled him into another dimension.

"Kakashi!" Guy yelled, gaining Keiko's attention who's heart lurched at the sight of her husband disappearing. However, her distraction was enough for Madara to land a decent kick on her torso. She heard a rib crack making her grunt in pain and grip her side as Naruto caught her from slamming into the ground. She then noticed another beast bomb forming from the beast that was now no longer under any control.

"Naruto, I need to stop that bomb." She shakily tried to stand up and noticed Madara sprinting in a different direction.

"Do you have enough chakra?" He asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about me. Help the rest of the allied forces." Keiko activated her mangekyou again and transported to the bomb and transported the large mass to a different area as far away as she could and transported back. Blood dripped onto the ground as she was on her hands and knees panting and coughing. The metallic taste coated her mouth and she noticed her vision blur a little more.

"Keiko sensei!" She could hear Sakura yelling at her but couldn't move. Her chakra was almost completely gone from transporting two very large masses large distances.

"We'll take it from here. You've done well." She could hear an authoritative voice speak in front of her making her look up.

"Lord Fourth..."


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