Sasuke's Demons

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"Nope Not today

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"Nope Not today."  Keiko yelled at the sound of Madara's voice right in front of them.

Not Whack A Mole again...  Sakura thought to herself as the familiar orange masked man appeared.  She then saw Keiko flash him her bright red Flower mangekyou sharingan and held on tightly to Sakura and Sasuke.  A dark red tear rolled down her cheek as she used her transportation technique to get the two teenagers out of harm's way.  About 25 meters away from the forest was Kakashi, Tenzo, and Naruto.  Keiko just so happened to transport right where they were.  The seasoned jonin both jumped in surprise as Naruto stared blankly at the trio's arrival.  Surely just trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Wha..." Kakashi couldn't even form the words to his confusion.  Keiko coughed up some blood again leading Sasuke to rest a hand on her back with a concerned look.  Kakashi also rushed to her side and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Sasuke!  I knew you weren't that big of a scumbag to leave forever!"  Naruto grinned happily.

"What happened?"  Kakashi looked up from his wife to Sasuke who wore a troubled look.

"Madara appeared so she transported us away."  He spoke lowly keeping a keen eye out.

"Hm.  Well since there are so many of us I doubt he will show up again without expecting a hassle.  Then if he is truly starting a war then we need to get Naruto out of here quickly, you too Sasuke."  Kakashi's authoritative voice made everyone straighten up.  Keiko took a deep shaky breath.

"Then let's go. Now.  Sakura, where is Kiba, Lee, and Sai?"  The older kunoichi raised an eyebrow at Sakura's suddenly paled face.

"I um... I might've sort have uh knocked them out with a sleeping gas."  She shuffled her feet and lowered her head.

"WHA? Why Sakura-chan??"  Naruto gaped while Sasuke had to stifle a laugh.

"How did all three of them fall for that?"  Keiko sighed and face palmed.

"I-"  Her face immediately distorted into regret and sadness.  "I didn't know the true situation with Sasuke.  I wanted to deal with him myself."  She lowered her gaze again, unwilling to meet anyone's gaze.

"It is what it is.  We all have our reasons for doing things and I trust you weren't going to do anything irrational.  I know your analytical skills, as a shinobi you can't second guess yourself."  Kakashi spoke up this time earning a grateful look from Keiko.

"Let's go wake them up and get back to the village."  Tenzo sighed and begrudgingly started off towards the direction that Sakura pointed.  Kakashi gently scooped up a very tired and chakra depleted Keiko who made little complaint since she was extremely sore from the overuse of her chakra from the fight with Danzo.  As they made their way back to the village, this time with Sasuke in tow, Naruto excitedly chatted to his two teammates who both felt awkward around each other still.  Whether it was the combination of Sakura's true intentions of taking care of Sasuke alone or just the sexual tension, team 7's captains both knew that it was up to the two of them to talk it out.

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