Exam Part 1

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It was early the next morning and Kakashi was still sleeping soundly next to me

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It was early the next morning and Kakashi was still sleeping soundly next to me.  I smiled and gently crawled out of bed to start making coffee and breakfast for Sasuke and Kakashi.  It wasn't long before I had the coffee ready and breakfast sandwiches ready.  I poured Kakashi and I a cup of coffee each and set out a cup of orange juice for Sasuke.  Letting Sasuke rest a little more before the big day I just brought the coffee into my room and gently cooed,

"Kakashi~"  Suprisingly he actually started to wake up and noticed the cups of coffee in my hands.

"Oh.  You got up early.  You didn't have to do that."  He sleepily rubbed his eyes and sat up taking his cup.

"It's alright.  I wanted to make breakfast for Sasuke too."  I gave him a small smile and sat down next to him.

"Let me check your bandages."  He gently started unwrapping the bandages on my arms.  They seemed to be healing nicely.  There were only a couple scratches at this point.  I looked over at the clock and noticed it was time for Sasuke to get up.

"I should go wake up Sasuke."  I started to get up and he pulled me back into his arms and encased me in a hug.

"Nnno."  He mumbled into my hair.  Almost like a kid throwing a fit.

"I'll only be gone for a couple minutes."  I giggled and pushed myself out of his grip, earning a pout from the silver haired man.  Smiling to myself I entered Sasuke's room and saw my little brother sleeping soundly.  I gently shook his shoulder, "Sasuke, it's time to get up.  I made you breakfast before your exam."  He sleepily opened his eyes and suddenly shot up.

"What time is it?"  He seemed to have a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

"7 am."  I grinned and tousled his hair and suprisingly not earning a grunt or a complaint.  "Everything is on the table."  I mentioned as I left his room so he could get ready.  As I walked back into my room Kakashi had already his jonin vest and mask back on.  "Hello dear."  I smiled and jumped towards him in which he easily just caught me bridal style and swung me around making me giggle.

"You're in a chipper mood."  He grinned under his mask and gave me a soft kiss on the forehead.

"Mmhm.  My bad feeling about the exam is gone for now.  I have a feeling they're going to do great."  I smiled and gripped onto his neck.  I could feel his muscles flexing from under me making me blush slightly.  "Kakashi."   I looked up at him and gave him a gentle slap on the cheek.  "I know you're doing that on purpose."  He laughed and shook his head.

"You got me there."  He set me down on the bed.  "We should meet the other jonin at the hokage's office after meeting with the team."  I nodded and started to pull on my tall boots.  Just then I heard a faint knock on my door.  "Yes?"  I called out.  Kakashi was leaning against my wall and I zipped up my jonin vest as well.

"It's me."  I heard Sasuke's muffled voice through the door.

"You can come in."  And with that he opened the door quietly and looked fully ready to take the exam.

"Are you ready to go?"  He asked.  His hands were in his pockets and he was slouched slightly.

"Yep."  I said as I fully pulled my boot on.  With that the three of us set on making our way to meet up with the rest of the team.

After having the team set up and ready to go the jonin of all the teams that were participating met up at the hokage's office to discuss the exam and then move to the survaliance room for the exam and see how the teams faired.  As we entered the survaliance room I had noticed I have never met the other jonin and only knew their names.  That's when Kurenai suddenly pulled me aside.

"Hi, I'm Kurenai! It's nice to meet you Keiko."  She gave me a small smile which I returned.

"It's nice to meet you too Kurenai."  I then noticed everyone's eyes on me.  In which I gave them an awkward wave.  Kakashi was also standing pretty close to me and his hand was barely touching mine.  That's when the bushy browed jonin piped in,

"Hey Kakashi!  Are you two finally dating?"  I could feel a small blush form on my cheeks as I sent Guy a death glare.  Immediately he shut up and awkwardly laughed.

"Oi! Kakashi you didn't tell me you finally found yourself a girlfriend."  Asuma laughed.

"Just like you didn't tell anyone about you and Kurenai?"  Kakashi laughed as well when Asuma's face immediately turned into a deep red as well as Kurenai's.

Once everyone settled down the chunin written exam finally started.  I rested against the wall next to Kakashi with my arms crossed.  The other jonin making small talk about the exam and the students from the sand village.  That's when I could feel that pit in my stomach again, my lips forming a small frown.  However I just kept quiet and not long after the written test was finished.  Soon enough they would be moving on to the second part of the exam.  Pulling on Kakashi's sleeve I nodded towards the door and with a small nod he followed me out of the room.

"I have that bad feeling again."  I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall.

"What is the bad feeling about?  The hidden sand?"  Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"No more than usual.  I have a different bad feeling though."  Staring out the window I could see the sun shining brightly.  Kakashi took my and lightly brushed his thumb over the back of my hand and gave me that signature smile.

"Whatever it is.  We'll make sure to be ready if something does happen."  He leaned against the wall next to me.  I gave him a small smile and leaned my head against his arm.

"How do you think they'll fair in the survival portion of the exam?"  I pondered out loud.

"Hm.  Seeing the other students participating, as long as they don't run into the wrong team I'm sure they'll be fine."  He spoke quietly.

Time went on and we were all intensely watching the cameras for the 2nd part of the exam.  It was already nightfall and only a few teams had fought it out.  Getting a glimpse of team 7 I was proud of how they were doing.  Their teamwork has improved immensely, even more so from the training from yesterday.  However I have been getting a glimpse of a snake around them for some time now and that bad feeling started to grow.

"That snake..."  I mumbled as we watched the team get seperated.  That's when I noticed a person attached to it.  Was it summoned?  I frowned as it went to attack Sasuke then all of a sudden the screen went black.  I could feel my body tense up since I had a bad feeling about that snake for a while now.  Sensing my discomfort, Kakashi rested his hand on top of mine and gave it a light squeeze.

"The battery must've ran out.  I'm sure he's fine."  He tried to comfort me but I could feel the anxiety building up inside of my chest.  I knew I had to just let it go for now until the 2nd exam was over.  So taking a deep breath I sat back and crossed my arms.  Waiting for this exam to be over feels like an eternity.

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is a filler to transit easier.  Hope you're enjoying the story!  Please leave a vote or even a comment if you like it!  Any constructive critisim is welcome as well!



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