First and Last Words

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When we reached the village, Lady Tsunade and Shizune had both Obito and Izuna in their stroller and were awaiting us with a few other Jonin.  "Get the body in the autopsy room stat!"  Tsunade barked at the Jonin and Shizune who gave a curt nod and dashed off.  Kakashi smiled down at the boys who both reached up excitedly at their daddy.  I could hear Ino squeal "Kawaii!"

"Did Jiraiya leave for his mission?" I asked Lady Tsunade quietly.

"Mhm."  Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips thinned into a small frown.

"He'll be fine.  You of all people know his skills."  I smiled up at her, earning a small arrogant grin in return.

"We should hear from him soon.  We received a message yesterday that he had reached the village hidden in the rain."

"Hn.  Hopefully we can get an edge on them.  Sure their numbers are down but we still have no idea what each member left is capable of."

"Yes.  If the rumor about Madara being alive is true, we'll be in more trouble than we thought."  With that she turned on her heel and made her way towards what I assumed was the autopsy room.

"Let's go home."  Kakashi gently wrapped his arm around my thin waist.

"Hn."  I responded, still in thought but walked next to him nonetheless.

"Are you alright?"  He gave my side a small squeeze, still pushing the stroller with his other hand.

"Huh? Oh, yes.  I wonder what the leader of the Akatsuki is capable of."  I pondered out loud.

"That is a tough question.  Even though we were in the ANBU, we were only able to do a part of the damage to Hidan and Kakuzu.  We wouldn't have stood a chance if it was just you and I.  Especially if it became a prolonged fight.  Then your sight would have gotten even worse."  I looked up at him and could see that he was dead serious.  I knew it was true though, deep down.  Sure I was prideful and overconfident at times. However, at this point, I know I will lose my eyesight if I use my sharingan much more.

"You're right.  I can probably only use my mangekyou sharingan only a handful more times. If I use it more than that I will go blind."  I frowned slightly.  The gentle breeze brushed my bangs out of my face, allowing me to see Kakashi's solemn expression.  "So I just have to be smart.  Even if I become blind I won't be useless."  I gave him a small smile.

He stopped walking and pulled me close with my hands resting on his chest.  We were outside our home so I gave him a confused look.

"What are you doing?"  I raised an eyebrow but he kept staring at me right in the eyes.  I could feel heat rising to my cheeks.  "D-don't stare at me like that Kakashi."  I stuttered earning a light chuckle from him.

"You're so cute."  He gave me a light kiss on my cheek.  "I love you."  He whispered against my neck making me shiver.

"S-stop fooling around."  I snapped and quickly escaped his hold and unbuckled the two boys and scooped them both in my arms.  Kakashi gave a cool laugh at my reddened face.  I instantly smiled at my sons adorable faces as they cooed and both grabbed onto my vest tightly with their tiny hands.

"Mommy!"  They exclaimed in unison.  I gasped at the sound of their first word.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see a deflated Kakashi pouting since neither of them paid attention to him.

"What about daddy?"  He mumbled to himself.  I gave a small laugh and carried my growing boys inside.

"Come on daddy.  I'll make us some lunch."  I called out as the mumbling Kakashi begrudgingly followed.

"  I called out as the mumbling Kakashi begrudgingly followed

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Kakashi happily watched our sons play as I cooked a quick lunch of rice, sliced tomatos, and a sushi. "Lunch is ready~"  I called sweetly.

I could hear a squeal of excitement as little pitter patters of Obito and Izuna's feet wobbled quickly into the dining room.  Kakashi was right behind them making sure they didn't fall.  I giggled a little and finished setting up the table.

Everything was lively and relaxed for the rest of the day.  However we were in for a shock the next morning as both Kakashi and I were summoned to the Hokage's office.  The air was very tense and I saw that Tsunade had tissues scattering her desk and one of Jiraiya's toads, Fukasaku, there as well.  Oh no.  I tightly grabbed Kakashi's hand.

"Does Naruto know?"  I asked softly, Tsunade shook her head with a shaky sigh.  "Kakashi stay here and get the info.  I'll talk to Naruto.  The last thing we should do is drop this on him in front of everyone."  I frowned.

"You're right.  Jiraiya wrote his last words in code on Fukasaku.  Hopefully we can decode this fast."  Tsunade waved her hand in a shooing motion for me to get going.  Kakashi moved towards Fukasaku to examine his back.

With a flash I went to the top place that I knew that Naruto would be.  Ichiraku's Ramen did indeed hold the knucklehead blonde.  "Naruto."  I called out.  He swung around in his chair in glee.  Seeing my serious face his smile shrunk and walked up to me.

"What's wrong Keiko-sensei?"  His voice laced with concern.

"Come with me.  Something important happened."  I spoke softly, keeping the solemn look on my face.  "You know how Jiraiya went on his mission correct?"  I asked him as we arrived at the old team 7 training grounds.

"Uh huh.  I wanted to show him my new jutsu when he got back!"  His grin returned as he excitedly punched the air.

"Well on this mission he was trying to gain information on the Akatsuki leader who was rumored to be in the Village Hidden in the Rain.  He insisted on going alone in order to avoid drawing attention.  Unfortunately he did run into the leader of the Akatsuki."  I paused for a moment, Naruto's face has grown solemn but I could see a glimmer of hope in his eyes still which made me feel horrible knowing I was about to crush it.  "Naruto, Jiraiya didn't make it.  He's gone.  I'm so sorry."  I gently rested my hand on his shoulder.  He didn't respond.  His eyes were almost lifeless and he just stared off in the distance.

"Naruto, I'm sorry.  You're more than welcome to stay with Kakashi and I for a while if you need company.  I know how close you two were.  He literally helped raise you.  I don't blame you for not knowing how to react.  He wrote his last words in code and if we come up with anything we will let you know."  I spoke as soothingly as I could while pulling the teenager in my arms for a hug as tears slipped from his eyes.  He cried quietly as I gently stroked his back.  Akatsuki, what exactly are you after?

  Akatsuki, what exactly are you after?

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