New Love

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It was about noon and I had just been released from the hospital. Kakashi and the kids were sent on their first C ranked mission to escort an old man to his bridge. Hokage had just summoned me to meet him in his office. Entering the room I noticed that Ibiki was in the room as well and realized this was about Jun.

"Hokage-sama." I murmured and gave a slight bow.

"Ah. Keiko. Good timing. We found a way to remove that mark from your hand." The old man gave a big grin. Ibiki motioned me to come over and he started weaving signs that I'm assuming is going to remove the mark. Then he pressed his hand over mine. The mark slowly disappearing.

"How did you get it out of him?" I spoke quietly just staring at my hand.

"We had to go to greater lengths than I would have liked." Ibiki admitted and crossed his arms over his chest. "He will be a prisoner of the leaf for the rest of his life though so we can keep a close eye on him." I gave a short nod and looked over at the Hokage.

"Is it okay for me to meet up with the team then?" I secretly was hoping to see Kakashi again and finally get back into the groove of the team.

"Actually yes. I have a sneaky suspicion they will be in need of some help. But it would be best you don't show yourself completely. I think it would be a good time to bring out your anbu outfit and follow them. The employer doesn't know you and I'm sure would panic if you came out of nowhere." The old man never stopped smiling the whole time making me feel slightly awkward but I just shrugged it off.

"For a C ranked mission?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I think you'll know what I'm talking about when you get there." He then adverted his attention to his paperwork humming. I shrugged and made my way home to get ready for the mission.

Timeskip a few hours~

I had finally caught up to the team. The kids were on edge and Kakashi was obviously keeping an eye out. Had something happened already? I noticed Naruto's hand was bandaged and frowned. Just then I felt a dark presence heading towards the group very quickly. I rested my hand on the hilt of my sword just in case I needed to jump in. That's when the demon Zabuza came in and instantly started attacking. I could see fear flash through the kids' eyes as Kakashi instantly started to fight him. As soon as he was put in a water barrier I could feel the panic rise within the three genin's actions and I had enough.

In a flash I was in front of Zabuza with my sword to his neck. My mangekyou sharingan shining through my mask. Obviously surprised by my sudden appearance he shuffled backwards but that was his mistake, he was already in my tsukuyomi dojustu. All of a sudden a loud shriek of terror came from the so-called demon's lips. I then took both of his arms and restrained them behind his back and threw him over my shoulder. Kakashi was released from the barrier and quickly tried to help me carry the man. The children's eyes were wide in amazement from the sudden assault. My adrenaline was flowing and my temper was through the roof. Almost like I was constantly on edge and ready for any fight that comes at me.

That was what I liked to call the curse of the anbu mask. Every time I put it on it's like a monster is released inside of me. A dark aura is always radiating off of me as soon as I'm set off. Kakashi set his hand on the small of my back and all of a sudden I felt much calmer. I took a deep breath and felt my tension release as the kids smiled with happiness to see Zabuza restrained. My sharingan still glowing through my mask, I made eye contact with Sasuke who gave a slight smirk. I then noticed that Sakura and Naruto were giving me a weird look and the old man was ranting about how he was almost killed. That's when Naruto got really close and was squinting up at me,

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