Memories Pt. 2

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Keiko's POV (age 15)

Today's training was brutal with my ANBU team. The Hokage actually chose me as one of his guards, I've only met the man once and honestly I'm not sure if he actually trusts me or if he's just using the position as a way to keep me under his watchful eye. Truth be told, he has no reason to trust me and neither does the rest of the village. Nonetheless I only get stares of pity from them when I pick up Sasuke from the academy, like I'm some wounded animal. I hate it.

"Rookie!" My head snapped up to meet the gaze of my blonde team captain who glowered down at me.

"Yes sir?" I asked with no emotion present on my face or in my tone. He kept his stern look as he let out a deep sigh,

"Good job out there today kid. You got skill." Was all he said whilst patting the top of my head as he left the locker room making me stare at him in bewilderment. A twinge of pride in my heart as I smiled inwardly.

"Thanks." I whispered as I folded my uniform neatly into my duffle bag.

Later that afternoon I had picked up Sasuke from the academy. His demeanor hasn't changed, even after a couple months of living together he barely utters a word to me. I guess it can't be helped. I wasn't even there for him when it all happened.


I awoke from Itachi knocking me out in a cold metal cell. I couldn't help but groan a little as I held my head in pain when I tried to activate my sharingan.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you Uchiha, or you'll die." A gruff voice growled outside of my cell door making look at the strange marking on my wrist.

"Why am I here?" I asked calmly whilst pushing myself up to stand and look at the scarred man in the eyes.

"That's indeed the question isn't it? Why are you here?" His face remained stoic as those words dripped off his tongue like venom.

"I don't understand what you're-" I started when it all hit me. My blood covered parents at the feet of a shaking Itachi. "You think I killed them?" I choked out as the realization fully sunk in. If only you'd come sooner. Itachi's words swirled around my head.

"You're smart at least, but that makes you dangerous too. I can make this easy or hard for you. There was only one other survivor of the slaughter, Itachi's little brother Sasuke. Answer my questions and agree to a screening of your memories and I'll think about letting you free." The man frowned at my lack of reaction.

"I will only allow you to see what I saw last night." I responded while crossing my arms, no way in hell would I let them take advantage of my childhood memories.

"You're in no position to make negotiations brat."

"Neither are you old man. I am the heiress to the Uchiha clan." I stood proudly and defiantly with a small grin on my lips, don't show weakness. don't show weakness. don't show weakness.

"Heh. Prove it." The man unlocked my cell and motioned for me to follow him. I clenched my jaw but complied anyways. There were two masked guards behind me, one with brown hair who was a little shorter than the silver haired one that seemed to be ready to kick my ass at any moment. I tsked but continued on behind the tall man who lead me outside making me blink a few times to adjust to the bright light of the sun. He turned around and took a hold of my wrist and with a quick few signs he released the seal. My eyes immediately glowed a bright red with my senses heightened to any movement around me.

"We're not here to ambush you." A red haired ANBU kunoichi emerged, catching my attention for a moment, but I kept a keen eye on the interrogator. "What is your name?" I kept quiet for a moment and flicked my eyes towards a man off to the side whose face was half bandaged and wore a displeased expression.

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