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Kakashi let out a sigh of relief when he saw Sakura and Sasuke emerge with Obito in tow.  "They made it."  He said to Keiko who already felt their chakras return but nodded to appease her stressed lover.

"They've really become amazing shinobi, all three of them."  Keiko smiled up at her husband, full of faith for her brother and student to succeed.  Then the air got super heavy, it felt as if gravity had tripled, the ground had changed to awkward angles under her feet.  "T-the dimension?"  She struggled to stay up as her body was forced down to the ground from the gravity.

"It changed."  Kakashi sounded close to her but also struggled.  He saw Kaguya point her hands towards Sasuke and Naruto, who also couldn't move.  "Keiko I love you."  He said before fully fighting against the gravity, running to protect Sasuke from an incoming deadly rod whilst Obito also pushed with all his might to protect Naruto.  Keiko's heart pounded, those words he spoke had a finality to them.  As if he didn't expect to survive whatever was about to happen.  Then she heard Kakashi say,  "Why did you do that Obito?"

"You have too much to live for.  You need to live."  The air suddenly changed again to a normal feeling making Keiko shoot up to her feet again and embrace the shape of her husband.

"You saved me Obito, again."  Kakashi spoke with so much nostalgia and regret in his voice.

"You've saved me a few times as well Kakashi, even after all the wrong I've done to you.  To your wife.  To your unborn child."  Keiko could feel Obito's eyes on her.  "Keiko I am truly sorry."  His voice was filled with conviction and true sorrow, but also peace and acceptance.

"I don't know if I can ever forgive you for your past actions Obito."  She started, hearing Sasuke run ahead and start fighting Kaguya.  "The amount of harm my family has received because of you," she paused for a moment, he helped massacre her clan and had kidnapped her while she was first pregnant.  "However, I can thank you for helping Kakashi and my brother."  She tightened her grip on Kakashi's vest, feeling a little helpless with her lack of sight and not being fully adjusted or even halfway adjusted to be honest.

"That's fair.  Goodbye friend."  Obito gave a genuine smile at his old teammate, bringing closure to Kakashi.  Naruto had given Obito a fond pat on the shoulder and ran off to help Sasuke.  Kakashi let out a deep breath and felt a surge of power burning from his eyes and as he opened them he felt the familiarity of the sharingan.  Thank you Obito. He thanked his old teammate silently as he grabbed Keiko and instantly formed a bright blue fully armored Susanoo and flew towards the fighting Naruto and Sasuke.  The Susanoo threw some shuriken towards Kaguya in order to distract her and allowed Sakura to jump out and land a solid punch to Kaguya's head.  Sasuke and Naruto gave each other a grin and at the same time, fully touched their seals onto Kaguya, officially forming the seal on her.

Kakashi held Keiko close as they fell towards the ground, he thankfully landed carefully and only a second later, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke landed next to them

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Kakashi held Keiko close as they fell towards the ground, he thankfully landed carefully and only a second later, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke landed next to them.

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