It's that OneBand!

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Cheryl's POV -

"Cher, I'm getting adopted." My best friend, Maddie, informs me quitely while walking into our room. Her blonde hair were in their natural beautiful curls today. She was looking really pretty in her good shirt and only jeans. No wonder, the couple who came to adopt, chose her at the very first look.

"Idiot! Why are you sad then, it's a good day for you. You'll be out of this hell hole for ever." I truthfully exclaimed, hugging her.

"I am afraid, you know." She says, still hugging me. "The couple seemed fine. They promised that they will love me as their own child. But it means, I am leaving my only friend alone here."

"Don't worry, Boo. I am fine. I'll be fine. You shouldn't worry about me. Let's get you packed!"

I was truly happy for her. She is getting out of here. She will be living with a normal family now, who seemed like genuine people when I saw them from upstairs window. They wanted to adopt a teenage girl, and as Maddie had turned 13 just three months ago, it was a great chance for her. Yes, I am sad too that I'll probably not meet her again. But still, she'll be in a better place.

"Maddie! Are you ready?" The orphanage owner, Mrs. Field, asked from downstairs.

We made our way down. We both have tears running down our faces. We're both gonna miss each other so much. And somewhere inside our hearts, we both knew that we probably wouldn’t be seeing each other ever again.

"Maddie, are you ready to go?" A women, probably in her early 30 asks, as we came near the front door. She must be Maddie's new Mom now.

Maddie nods, then turns around to hug me, probably for the last time.

She waved goodbye, and was gone forever out of the orphanage door.

"One less brat to take care of." Mrs. Field says in her witch voice. "Cheryl, have you done your daily chores?"

"Yes." I replied quietly to the witch-woman, making my way upstairs.

I get to my room and through the window, I could still see the blue car going towards the city. The car in which Maddie went, with her new family.

Yeah, it would be hard for me, to survive this place alone. But she still don't know how lucky she is.

It's every child's wish in the orphanage, to get adopted by a happy couple, who will take care of them, love them.

I also wish for a miracle to happen but as the days passes, I am having doubts.

If a miracle was tend to happen, then it should have been here now. I am waiting for a day when everything will change in my life.

But, will that day ever come?


Harry 's POV -

"So, are you all sure about this?"Liam asked, for the 7th time in the last one hour. It was seriously starting to get on my nerves now.

"Liam," Louis said, in his annoyed tone. "I am telling you this for the final time now. Yes, we all are sure. We have been discussing this for nearly two months now."

"And I'm also reminding you for the last time too, that this is gonna be a great responsibility." Liam started his lecture again. "I know we have been discussing this for a long time now, and we all are excited. But, we all still need to remember that if we ever get caught, we all should get ready to face what comes."

"We know that, Li." Zayn started. "But you also need to remember that we all are mature enough to do this. This is our life, no one should control us. If we wish to do this, we will do this."

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